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Need Mars bumpMap and Earth BumpMap in dds

Posted: 25.02.2004, 06:29
by Cham
I have the MarsFlat VT addon, but its, ... flat. Also, I have the Earth 16k texture in dds format.

Is there a mars BumpMap somewhere, at least 4k or more, in dds ?

And what about an Earth BumpMap (at least 4k, 8k or even 16k) in dds ?

My video card is a NVidia GeForce4 MX with 32 MB, and apparently I can't use NormalMaps. 16k dds works great (but it's a bit slow). Is it possible to have BumpMaps in dds format ? Where ?


Posted: 25.02.2004, 08:49
by Cham

Forget my post ! I just discovered the NormalMap technic ! WEEEEHAAAA!

I just had to wrote

NormalMap ""

in my alternate surface commands, and it works like a charm !!!