16k spec map using DXT1A alpha channel
Posted: 21.02.2004, 01:01
Since I recieved a handful of requests, I'm converting my 'Home Planet'
16k Earth textures I originally made for the Orbiter community to
Celestia .dds format.
While it could readily use any normal/cloud/light map, it makes a lot of
sense to package the specular map with the surface map because of how I
treated arctic and antarctic sea ice. It seems the ideal here is to
combine the two using the DXT1A format.
I'm aware of tools that would do this up to 8k, but for 16k I'm only aware
of nonmipmapped conversion using the bmp2dxt utility, which only does
DXT1C (not DXT1A, with alpha).
1) Does anyone have a suggestion re: handling alpha at 16k? Right now
I'm delving through the documentation of NVIDIAs binary package, but
thought somebody might have confronted this issue before.
2) As a second question, why is DXT3 recommended over DXT1c in [url]
http://www.celestiaproject.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2019[/url] for normal maps?
It would seem that normal maps have little use for alpha.
I was planning on using NVIDIA's 8-bit->normal Photoshop plug-in in
IrfanView, crossing my fingers that this will work on a 512MB system at
16k x 8k.
16k Earth textures I originally made for the Orbiter community to
Celestia .dds format.
While it could readily use any normal/cloud/light map, it makes a lot of
sense to package the specular map with the surface map because of how I
treated arctic and antarctic sea ice. It seems the ideal here is to
combine the two using the DXT1A format.
I'm aware of tools that would do this up to 8k, but for 16k I'm only aware
of nonmipmapped conversion using the bmp2dxt utility, which only does
DXT1C (not DXT1A, with alpha).
1) Does anyone have a suggestion re: handling alpha at 16k? Right now
I'm delving through the documentation of NVIDIAs binary package, but
thought somebody might have confronted this issue before.
2) As a second question, why is DXT3 recommended over DXT1c in [url]
http://www.celestiaproject.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2019[/url] for normal maps?
It would seem that normal maps have little use for alpha.
I was planning on using NVIDIA's 8-bit->normal Photoshop plug-in in
IrfanView, crossing my fingers that this will work on a 512MB system at
16k x 8k.