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128k Earth virtual texture addon

Posted: 16.09.2003, 21:46
by jim
Hi all,

My addon to the 32k Earth virtual texture is now on my site available. The current number of level7 tiles is now 33.
Note, to install the spec-tiles you need a specular virtual texture but there is so far I know no one available. So you will wait or build your own spec virtual texture.

I have added some more islands :D.

Bye Jens


Posted: 16.09.2003, 22:03
by JackHiggins
Great! Just downloading them now! Any chance you could do a 128k map of the Kennedy space center area?

Posted: 16.09.2003, 22:45
by DJ_Night
many thanks mr. jim. looks great,

any release plans for a complete hires specular virtual texture?

cheers, keep up the good work

direct download link>

Posted: 17.09.2003, 08:06
This just keeps on getting better and better! What a great feature VT's is.

Great work.

I've just got home from my night shift, but this'll keep me awake abit longer. Now I'm off to visit Port Stanley!


Posted: 17.09.2003, 11:10
by ElPelado
it looks perfect!
i just have one question: you said that i need the specular virtual texture fot the level6 and 7 of the earth-spec right? but where can i get that virtual texture? or how can i do to use them with out having the specular virtual texture?

Posted: 17.09.2003, 18:54
by jim
Hi all,

JackHiggins wrote:Any chance you could do a 128k map of the Kennedy space center area?
Is there a special reson why you want this maped?

TERRIER wrote:any release plans for a complete hires specular virtual texture?

No, because I have only the dds compressed 32k VT. I think this map is not a good base for building a specular map and I will never upload with my dialup the 42k BlueMarble. I think somebody works already on such a map.

ElPelado, the level6 and 7 spec-tiles will not work without a base specular VT. I consider to upload a small 4k specular VT until a better map is available.

Another thing, you ask me about my mars shot. The used 8k flatmars map should be the same like my uploded one but only converted to a virtual texture and shiftet by 6 pixel. I'm reviseing this map a bit that it works better with the MOLA dataset and no longer with spacegraphics (old) bumpmap. Further there are some image edit and color corrections planed. I can not say when this will done.
Fridger plans to release a 16k VT normal map which should then work with my flatmars. I'm not sure if I will upload my map.

Bye Jens

Posted: 17.09.2003, 19:53
by JackHiggins
Is there a special reson why you want this maped?

Well.. It's KSC! :D Do you need any more reason than that?! :wink: :)

I was just wondering if it would be possible to see anything like the runway/VAB/ launch pads etc on a 128k texture... However, if it IS possible to view stuff like that, then who knows what might happen next... 8)

Posted: 17.09.2003, 20:24
by DBrady
Thanks jim these look great. The quality of the pictures really reflect the hard work you must have put in. I look forward to trying them out.

Posted: 17.09.2003, 23:18
by Guest
42k? WHERE!?

Posted: 18.09.2003, 00:57
by selden
Anonymous guest,

42K is the size of the original NASA Blue Marble texture image. It is unusable in Celestia. It either has to be downslzed to 32K or scaled up to 64K. So far all of the hires textures for Celestia have been downsized from it. I dunno if the improvement over 32K would be visible in an upscaled 64K texture image.

Posted: 18.09.2003, 12:49
by Kendrix
selden wrote:Anonymous guest,

42K is the size of the original NASA Blue Marble texture image. It is unusable in Celestia. It either has to be downslzed to 32K or scaled up to 64K. So far all of the hires textures for Celestia have been downsized from it. I dunno if the improvement over 32K would be visible in an upscaled 64K texture image.

I think that if we scale the 42k to 64k using a "nearest neighbour" kind algo we should obtain something better than the 32k...

Posted: 18.09.2003, 13:10
by Leonardo da Vinci
Beautyful view!! Thank you, Great job!!
Just a question:
Is it possible to have virtual texture with an higher resolution (more than 128k) or there's a celestia limit? :?:

Posted: 18.09.2003, 13:40
by Kendrix
For now chris has only applied a maximum number of LODs of 10.
So currently you can go to 512k !

Posted: 18.09.2003, 15:13
by ElPelado
I have a question: in your addon, the files are only some small parts of the whole planet, so how does celestia know where your textures of the level6 and 7 should be showed? who does celestia know that your Malvinas/Falkland Islands are there?

Posted: 18.09.2003, 18:13
by chris
Kendrix wrote:For now chris has only applied a maximum number of LODs of 10.
So currently you can go to 512k !

Well, you could always use higher resolution textures at the highest levels and get 2048k :) But, I'm looking into allowing higher LODs--I think I figured out a way to do it that circumvents a potential performance regression (from thrashing the cache with lookups into big tables.)


Posted: 18.09.2003, 19:36
by jim
Hi Jack,

Here is a first preview in 128k. I hope you like it. :D


There is still something to do before the Florida addon is ready.

Bye Jens

Posted: 18.09.2003, 19:51
by Guest
Bloody hell!

Posted: 18.09.2003, 19:59
by ElPelado
i have the EarthViewer 3D Nvidia program, wich has lots of very hi-res textures: for example i once could see a baseball stadium somewhere in the US. the only problem is that i am not using it right now, and if i want to use it, i have to register it for only 7 days, so i will have to use it all the time. if yo uwant i can take pics from there and then send them to you to use them...

Posted: 18.09.2003, 20:09
by chris
Wow! Great work Jens!


Posted: 18.09.2003, 22:28
by JackHiggins
- W O W -


I suppose now would be a good time to oficially announce that I have a KSC model made! :D It'll need a few *adjustments* to fit in with the new 128k VT, but it should look really good...!!