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The blue marble texture

Posted: 12.04.2003, 23:17
by Auscreely
I loaded it in Celestia without changing its size! 8O

This is my system
P4 3.0GH
1 gb of ram
GF4 Ti (With 256 MB ov VRAM)
Windows XP Home Edition
And an 80GB hard Drive

It works at 25fps!!!


Posted: 12.04.2003, 23:22
by Auscreely
Its auscreely again, and I forgot to tell everyone that I hav a tool that lets me allocate up to 5GB of hard drive space for Vidio RAM.

This is the only way to get it to work, I had to allocate all 5GB on a second partition.

Re: Forgot

Posted: 13.04.2003, 01:42
Auscreely wrote:Its auscreely again, and I forgot to tell everyone that I have a tool that lets me allocate up to 5GB of hard drive space for Vidio RAM.This is the only way to get it to work, I had to allocate all 5GB on a second partition.

Auscreely, could you inform me about this tool?
I have a PC configuration close to your one, i.e. an Athlon 2700 with 1 GB RAM, GeForce4 Ti 4600 with 128 MB, 2 40 GB HD (both not partitioned), working under WINDOWS XP Home, and actually I'm using Earth and Mars 16K .dds and Moon 8K .dds textures, but with some difficulty (slow frame rate, less than 30/s) if I put everything on (galaxies, night side, multitexture, Nvidia, OPEN Gl, etc.).
Thank you very much!


Posted: 13.04.2003, 14:01
by jcyf007
I hope you can introduce that tool to us if it is really useful.

Posted: 14.04.2003, 05:16
by Don. Edwards
How about some images and a download site for the utility. Just comming in here and bragging isn't helping anyone. Put your money where your mouth is so to speak. I would also like to know what brand of GeForce Ti has 256mb of VRAM. I have never heard anything about any card manufacturer releasing one with that much VRAM.
If you want any of us in the forum to take you seriously, you have to back up what you say.
In other words, give me the proof. The name of the utility and the name of your video card manufacturer.

256 mb

Posted: 21.04.2003, 00:31
by auscreely
Ok the card is an invidia gf4, but I modified it to handle 256mb of ddr v-ram, and the tool I downloaded a long time ago from the Nvidia website for my old TNT-2 vidio card, I installed it then I installed the softwear that came with my gf4, and in my advanced vidio proporties it had the old menu wich had the memory adjusments,a and a new menu with all the new stuf for the gf4.

Posted: 21.04.2003, 02:04
by abiogenesis
It's pretty ballsy to be posting lies like that on a board maintained by an nVidia programmer. :wink:

- a b i o g e n e s i s -

Re: 256 mb

Posted: 22.04.2003, 05:04
by chris
auscreely wrote:Ok the card is an invidia gf4, but I modified it to handle 256mb of ddr v-ram,

Ummm . . . no you didn't. What are you smokin'? 8O


Posted: 22.04.2003, 05:24
by Don. Edwards
My sentiments exactly. Unless he is someone who knows the ins and outs of how to physically work on the hardware he is full of s—t. Then there is the thing about whether the GeForce4 TI cards even have the ability to use 256mb of VRAM. I have heard of video card modifying but I think this mod is way to the extreme. We are talking about either replacing the VRAM chips or piggy-backing equal speed VRAM chips on top and then knowing exactly how and were to wire them so they will be recognized. He would have to be an electronics engineer to pull it off. And that still doesn’t mean he can do it.
I think we just have to start ignoring any further posts from him until he can comes back down to Earth.


Posted: 04.06.2003, 01:19
by spaceflop
Ok so wat I did dident work, I hav a 128 mb stick of ram soldered on but it dosent recognise it, my display proporties still say 128mb, not 256mb.

Posted: 04.06.2003, 03:25
by Don. Edwards


Posted: 04.06.2003, 03:55
by praesepe
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I've never heard of a GF4 with more than 128 Mb of video memory... I've heard of overclocking on video cards but this goes to the extreme too far! Its an impossibility of the GF4's internal design! :lol:

The only GeForce card series that go past the 128 Mb are the FX, with 256 Mb :lol:

Posted: 04.06.2003, 04:27
by Don. Edwards
That is right. The GeForce 4 series I believe does not support 256mb of VRAM of anykind. Chris can verify this better than I can though. And as far as him saying he soldered a 128mb memory module on the card. I like to know where he figured out where to conect it too. He would have better luck having the memory chips on the card removed and having newer bigger one installed instead. But this still will not get around the fact the GeForce4 series does or does not support 256mb ofVRAM.