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New 8K Star Textures

Posted: 09.11.2021, 23:39
by MrSpace43
So a few days ago, I started work on new 8k star textures to use for Celestia. So far I have completed 4 star types (one of which is that Sun texture I posted a while ago), and I plan to make more of these textures, and to release them.

These are the textures for the star types I have completed (F-type, G-type, K-type, and D-type)
F G K and D.png

Added after 44 minutes 40 seconds:
New textures for O-type, B-type, and A-type stars.
O B and A.png

Posted: 10.11.2021, 23:38
by MrSpace43
After finding some more pics of the sun with large sunspots, I updated my K-type star texture to incorporate them.
K-Type Updated.png

Posted: 01.01.2022, 23:45
by MrSpace43
New G-type star texture with more starspots.
G-Star New.png

Comparison between Alpha Centauri A (right) and our Sun (left) using my 8k SDO April 2014 texture:
Sun and Alf Cen A.png

I think I might update my K-type & F-type textures to have more starspots too (albeit the latter will have less than the G-type).

Added after 4 hours 57 minutes:
The K-type star texture has been updated again, and is now packed to the brim with starspots.
K-Type Updated 2.png

Posted: 02.01.2022, 23:43
by MrSpace43
O-type, B-type, and A-type textures have been updated. They now use low wavelength UV data (~304 angstroms):
O B and A Updated.png

Posted: 21.07.2022, 22:13
by MrSpace43
New Wolf Rayet star texture made using extreme UV data (~193 angstroms):

Posted: 23.07.2022, 12:55
by bh
Okay... how are these installed?

Posted: 23.07.2022, 19:45
by MrSpace43
If you mean how they are installed to Celestia, you just move them to the "textures" folder (not the "extras" folder). Then you delete the old star textures that you had previously, and then edit the celestia.cfg file to add the new star textures.

I haven't finished making all the textures needed though, so because of that, they are not available to download for now.

Posted: 12.08.2022, 22:54
by MrSpace43
New texture for Y-type brown dwarfs (only works in 1.6.2 onwards) using acrylic pour:
This is easily one of the darkest textures I have ever made.

Posted: 13.08.2022, 03:07
by The Minmus Derp
These look amazing! I can't wait to use them in my install

Posted: 06.09.2022, 20:00
by MrSpace43
New texture for T-type brown dwarfs, again using acrylic pour:

Posted: 30.09.2023, 19:19
by MrSpace43
Been a while since I touched this topic due to other hobbies and stuff, but after I had a look at this paper, I have updated my white dwarf texture so that it now has surface granules. I decided to keep some details from my old texture that used UV data, so I used it for some bright spots and a few subtle dark patches, just so that it doesn't look dull and featureless when viewed from a distance.
D-Type Updated.png