Simple Blender Cloud Texture Maker

Tips for creating and manipulating planet textures for Celestia.
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Simple Blender Cloud Texture Maker

Post #1by MrSpace43 » 30.05.2021, 21:43

So earlier today, I made a cloud texture map generator in Blender, and I am releasing it to the public for anyone to use:
(This only works in v2.83.3 or higher)

So when you open the file, you should get something that looks like this:

What we have to do now is change the render setting to "Viewport Shading" by clicking this icon at the top-right of the window with the sphere:
Pic2.png (5.96 KiB) Viewed 7502 times

You should now see this:

If we go down to the node tab and move over, we see this noise setting which will determine the look of the clouds:
Pic4.png (14.07 KiB) Viewed 7502 times

-W: This is just the seed for the texture
-Distortion: I recommend setting it between 0.3 and 0.85
-Scale: Set this between 4.5 and 10 for something that looks Earth-like

When you get something you are satisfied with, select this node and click on the "New Image" icon circled in red:
Pic5.png (20.76 KiB) Viewed 7502 times

You should get this menu. Make sure you have the width and height in a 2:1 ratio (example: 4096x2048). You can name the image anything you like. Once done, click "OK":
Pic6.png (25.96 KiB) Viewed 7502 times

Make sure that you have the sphere and the image node selected, and then click on "Bake":

This will take some time depending on your PC or the size of the image texture that you set.

Once the texture is finished being baked, you should see the output on the bottom-left, but we aren't actually gonna touch this here:

We are instead going to click the "Texture Paint" tab:
Pic9.png (4.58 KiB) Viewed 7502 times

You should see this menu:

You will then click on "Image," and then "Save As...":

Find a good place to save the file, and voilà! an alpha cloud map texture ready for any use:
Tutorial Cloud Map Forums.png
Last edited by MrSpace43 on 02.03.2022, 18:05, edited 1 time in total.
Been into Astronomy since the age of 3 or 4. Started making planetary textures back in late 2016. 3D animator who makes high quality animations in Cinema 4D. Currently on a hiatus so that I can focus on other hobbies, and to think about my behavior and tone.

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Post #2by trappistplanets » 30.05.2021, 23:39

MrSpace43 wrote:(This only works in v2.83.3 or higher)
possible to make a verson that works in 2.70 (or other versons below 2.83.3)?
i am asking because not everyone can use the compatible versions with this verson of the cloud gen bc of computer limitations
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Post #3by MrSpace43 » 30.05.2021, 23:43

trappistplanets wrote:possible to make a verson that works in 2.70 (or other versons below 2.83.3)?
Yeah sorry but I can't help on that, as I don't want to waste another hour or 2 to make a new preset (not all versions of blender are equal, and I don't use blender much).
Been into Astronomy since the age of 3 or 4. Started making planetary textures back in late 2016. 3D animator who makes high quality animations in Cinema 4D. Currently on a hiatus so that I can focus on other hobbies, and to think about my behavior and tone.

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Post #4by trappistplanets » 30.05.2021, 23:46

MrSpace43 wrote:Yeah sorry but I can't help on that, as I don't want to waste another hour or 2 to make a new preset (not all versions of blender are equal, and I don't use blender much).
what will happen if i try to open this current gen in my 2.70?

Added after 34 seconds:
what is your node set up?
i want to see if i can recreate it the best i can
There is a limit to how far we can travel into the stars.
Owner of "The Grand Voyage" addon series
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John Van Vliet
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Post #5by John Van Vliet » 01.06.2021, 15:25

not sure about MrSpace43's node set up trappistplanets , but this is mine


it might work on 2.7

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Post #6by MrSpace43 » 01.06.2021, 15:56

Funny though, my setup is actually a lot simpler, as it uses a total of only 6 nodes.
Been into Astronomy since the age of 3 or 4. Started making planetary textures back in late 2016. 3D animator who makes high quality animations in Cinema 4D. Currently on a hiatus so that I can focus on other hobbies, and to think about my behavior and tone.

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Post #7by trappistplanets » 01.06.2021, 18:49

MrSpace43 wrote:Funny though, my setup is actually a lot simpler, as it uses a total of only 6 nodes.
6 nodes!?
There is a limit to how far we can travel into the stars.
Owner of "The Grand Voyage" addon series
Collaborating with Dangerous_safety for the still developing Cer system

John Van Vliet
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Post #8by John Van Vliet » 01.06.2021, 21:53

well i stuck in a "maprange" node before the "color ramp" node to keep all the values in the positive

basically i am subtracting two noise sources from each other

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