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earth16k ?

Posted: 31.03.2003, 07:56
by TeslaTransformer
Where can I find or bigger textures?

earth16k ?

Posted: 01.04.2003, 22:31
by Jerico

I've found one at (a very nice celestia download page - thanks to whom built it)

unfortunately, the earth16k seems to be corrupt when I tried to unzip it

Posted: 01.04.2003, 23:01
by Rassilon

Posted: 02.04.2003, 00:39
by billybob884
I'm glad you like it, but for some reason I'm not having any problems with it. I just downloaded it and it works fine for me.

Posted: 02.04.2003, 00:42
by billybob884
Hold the phone, Jerico, you can get to my site? If you are from France this surprises me. Last time someone from outside the U.S. tried to get to it we had a major problem and that person is still unable to get to it (he was from England). Interesting...

Posted: 02.04.2003, 01:27
by praesepe
I'm from outside the U.S. (Barcelona,Spain) and I can access to your site without any problems too, so I see I'm not the only one :P

By the way, congratulations for such huge collection of Celestia add-ons!

Posted: 08.04.2003, 23:56
by Jerico
Hi Mike,

oh yes, be sure that one can access your site from France... I downloaded so many nice add-ons from it... almost every real one :-)
but I downloaded several time the earth16k and never manage to unzip this one.

Posted: 09.04.2003, 00:52
by billybob884
thats very odd, maybe you just have a bad connection? are you using a program, like getright or something, that is pausing and resuming downloads? they aren't always that reliable.

Posted: 18.05.2003, 23:36
by MidnightWatcher
Just downloaded the Earth 16k dds, and it looks great. Is this one already bumpmapped? Or should I change some values in the solarsys.scc?

Posted: 20.05.2003, 01:14
by Darkmiss
I just tried that link Bob
And it worked fine for me too, London, England.

Posted: 20.05.2003, 05:08
by alegator
I'm from Argentina and the link works fine too.
By the way, in the "" file there is a "lights-aurora4k.jpg" file. Can anyone tell me how to edit the solarsys.ssc file so to include this aurora?

Posted: 20.05.2003, 08:38
by ElPelado
Hola, que gusto me da ver otro argentino aca.
al grano: pone este codigo debajo de donde diga la textura que tenes de la tierra.

Code: Select all

Texture ""
Nigh Texture "lights-aurora4k.jpg"

Posted: 20.05.2003, 22:32
billybob884 wrote:Hold the phone, Jerico, you can get to my site? If you are from France this surprises me. Last time someone from outside the U.S. tried to get to it we had a major problem and that person is still unable to get to it (he was from England). Interesting...

I have the same problem of our English friend, or a similar one, because when I try to connect to that page this is the result:
"We are sorry, but the file you are trying to download is larger than the maximum length permitted under current network conditions. Please try again later when network conditions change. The file you were trying to download was 279466 bytes".
Obviously it's absurd, even more because I have an ADSL connection and I have downloaded enormous files without problems.
By the way, I live in Italy.


Posted: 20.05.2003, 23:44
by bh
Mike...I still can't log into your site. I get the same message as Andrea from your download list link. The link to your 'index' page just gives me a blank page. Weird.

I'll keep trying.

Posted: 21.05.2003, 02:02
by billybob884
Well, this is really B.S. I'm in the process of getting something new, it suppossedly will give me a gig of bandwidth, and 600 MB of space, just a little under what I need for all my files, if this doesn't work out, then I will resort to just getting something that everyone can get to. All suggestions are welcome.

Posted: 21.05.2003, 02:48
by MalcolmP
bh wrote:Mike...I still can't log into your site. I get the same message as Andrea from your download list link. The link to your 'index' page just gives me a blank page. Weird.

I'll keep trying.

Yes, I get the same as you and Andrea on the download link.
I also get a blank page on his 'index' page,,, this could be because there is nothing in that page's html !
If we look at the code we see

Code: Select all

(!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN")
(META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1252")(/HEAD)

I have changed angle <> brackets to round () brackets just in case this forum didnt like to display them well !
In other words,,,, billybob,, check the code that you think that you have uploaded to your server, there ought to be something between those two BODY tags !!
To be strictly correct there should be (title)(/title) within the HEAD tags as well. (empty TITLEs often cause problems with some versions of Micro$oft browsers )
hope that is a welcome suggestion, billybob :)

Posted: 21.05.2003, 11:35
by billybob884
I did copy most of the download page from a microsoft word generated text document, but i doint think there is a problem with the page, I can get to it easily. Oh well, dont worry about it. As soon as this week is over, I have a nice long weekend to fix this whole mess.