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Europa DEM does it exist? FINALLY FOUND!!

Posted: 17.02.2021, 19:26
by trappistplanets
i did lots of hard research and i check MExLab Geoportal
and bam i found a real europa DEM
its mighty blurry but blurry global/near complete global data>no/tiny data strips

Posted: 17.02.2021, 21:53
by John Van Vliet
that map looks like it is in Mercator projection ( with missing poles )
and not in Equal area simple cylindrical projection

you might want to check with the original source documentation

Celestia uses the simple cylindrical map projection
-- or cubic projection

Posted: 17.02.2021, 22:00
by trappistplanets
John Van Vliet wrote:you might want to check with the original source documentation
mexlab uses imple cylindrical map projection

Added after 9 minutes 49 seconds:
John Van Vliet wrote:that map looks like it is in Mercator projection ( with missing poles )
no... i reprogected it to simple cylindrical map projection
to see if it was already cylindrical map projection or mercater and when i
did that and check and see if some of the fetures line up nothing lined up
but with the map i posted things do line up

Posted: 18.02.2021, 17:50
by trappistplanets
i removed artifacts (those big seam like lines) and gave the dem fictional poles