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Updated version of Celestia's standard bstar texture

Posted: 29.11.2019, 20:27
by Joey P.
This is a revamped version of Celestia's standard bstar texture. The sunspots are removed, because early-type stars (classes O to A) lack strong magnetic fields and thus sunspots, and I also use this texture for neutron stars (thus the file's name) which definitely do not have sunspots due to being perfectly smooth.


Posted: 29.11.2019, 20:41
by SevenSpheres
FarGetaNik's Project Echoes has better, 4K textures for O, B, and A type stars.

Posted: 29.11.2019, 21:34
by Joey P.
OK, but this is just for those who want to keep the old, nostalgic Celestia 1.6.1. feel, like me (with a few scientific accuracy, of course).