jim wrote:But i have now three different jupiter maps (the red spot is different placed). I'm not sure which of them is propper.
Jens, they're probably all "proper" - there's no standard position for the Great Red Spot in Jupiter maps, since it drifts in longitude relative to the standard prime meridian (which is based on the rotation of Jupiter's magnetic field).
If you want the Great Red Spot to appear in the correct position, you just need to calculate a RotationOffset for whichever map you're using.
The formula (using the present longitude of the GRS) is:
RotationOffset = -21 + (1 - 2*GRSPixelOffset/MapPixelWidth)*180
GRSPixelOffset is the distance in pixels between the left edge of your map and the centre of the Great Red Spot, and
MapPixelWidth is the width of your map in pixels.
(And remember to use a RotationPeriod of 9.927953, which is the rotation period of the Great Red Spot.)