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Stormy Neptune

Posted: 07.08.2017, 07:38
by eburacum45
The recent storms on Neptune inspired me to make this texture

If anything this is a bit conservative.

You may have seen the original images taken over the last few weeks.
170803152239_1_540x360.jpg (25.37 KiB) Viewed 5313 times

it seems that Neptune is an even more interesting planet than I imagined.

Posted: 08.08.2017, 10:34
by Goofy
Hi eburacum45, your Neptune texture looks interesting, will you share it, please? :clap:
Thank you.
Goofy :smile:

Posted: 18.08.2017, 21:49
by eburacum45

Posted: 19.08.2017, 04:39
by themartian
it gives me an idea, i will make a kessler syndrome addon, i'll destroy all your fictional sats! muahahahahaha :twisted:

Stormy Neptune

Posted: 19.08.2017, 12:39
by Goofy
Thanks a lot, eburacum45, very nice, even if I prefer a bit less contrast.
Goofy :smile: