Texture Primer Request
Posted: 06.02.2003, 10:05
Hi all,
Heya I'm new to Celestia, but I love it more than life itelf (minus 1, maybe). Anyhow, I've been scouring for a bit of texture background, Rassilon's page gives a short breakdown of files types and expected locations (from Windoze's perspective).
Anyone feel like enlarging the info pool with a few basics on the configs via a few pointed questions. I'd even be willing to distill it into a nice quick guide for future "new users", for 1.2.5.
BTW, there is no criticism here of file structure or difficulties in the system I just want to be clear about how it's currently set up (knowing many thoughts are already in the air re: re-structuring it for the future.)
Heres some key points someone could elaborate on and correct:
1) In regards to Solar system textures, the "solarsys.ssc" file controls the textures used:
A) One filename is listed in "solarsys.ssc" and a different resolution's directory is switched on the fly inside Celestia, calling the same named file for the appropriate resolution level. My understanding is that texture files for a given planet at different res's MUST be same Filename and type in order to function (assuming you dont' just use one res folder only).
B) Briefly explain differences in texture filetypes (.jpg .png .dds), and their mixing and matching, every download I get seems different in filetype mix of the three types of bump/text/cloud textures:
.jpg - Lossy quality for image manipulation?
not availible for all map types, ie.e bump or spec?
.png - ?
.dds - Specular, Bump and Texture maps combined?
limited readability by some cards?
C) Editing of "solarsys.ssc" is necessary when a file you want to use is going to be named differently ie because of name or file type differences.
D) Explain how different resolution images I.e. a 2k bumpmap and a 8K texture with 4K clouds work together? How is this handled in .dds files?
E) EASIEST METHOD FOR HIGHER TEXTURES (think newbie here people!)Chris did a great sticky up top for texture download areas, Which of them is suggested for the lamer user who's got a good Vid card but not a lot of time.
OK, thanks all, I know this may have seemed stupid, I feel I have the basics, but I want to start pointing people to Celestia, and not everyone I know is quite as savvy as 99% of the peeps posting (minus 1, ME)!
Heya I'm new to Celestia, but I love it more than life itelf (minus 1, maybe). Anyhow, I've been scouring for a bit of texture background, Rassilon's page gives a short breakdown of files types and expected locations (from Windoze's perspective).
Anyone feel like enlarging the info pool with a few basics on the configs via a few pointed questions. I'd even be willing to distill it into a nice quick guide for future "new users", for 1.2.5.
BTW, there is no criticism here of file structure or difficulties in the system I just want to be clear about how it's currently set up (knowing many thoughts are already in the air re: re-structuring it for the future.)
Heres some key points someone could elaborate on and correct:
1) In regards to Solar system textures, the "solarsys.ssc" file controls the textures used:
A) One filename is listed in "solarsys.ssc" and a different resolution's directory is switched on the fly inside Celestia, calling the same named file for the appropriate resolution level. My understanding is that texture files for a given planet at different res's MUST be same Filename and type in order to function (assuming you dont' just use one res folder only).
B) Briefly explain differences in texture filetypes (.jpg .png .dds), and their mixing and matching, every download I get seems different in filetype mix of the three types of bump/text/cloud textures:
.jpg - Lossy quality for image manipulation?
not availible for all map types, ie.e bump or spec?
.png - ?
.dds - Specular, Bump and Texture maps combined?
limited readability by some cards?
C) Editing of "solarsys.ssc" is necessary when a file you want to use is going to be named differently ie because of name or file type differences.
D) Explain how different resolution images I.e. a 2k bumpmap and a 8K texture with 4K clouds work together? How is this handled in .dds files?
E) EASIEST METHOD FOR HIGHER TEXTURES (think newbie here people!)Chris did a great sticky up top for texture download areas, Which of them is suggested for the lamer user who's got a good Vid card but not a lot of time.
OK, thanks all, I know this may have seemed stupid, I feel I have the basics, but I want to start pointing people to Celestia, and not everyone I know is quite as savvy as 99% of the peeps posting (minus 1, ME)!