Miranda Bump Map
Posted: 06.09.2012, 08:32
I?ve painted a bumpmap for Miranda based Robert Johnston?s map.
Here the bumpmap:
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/84094104/Celes ... dabump.png
A slightly improved Version of the texture Map:
And some screenshots:
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/84094104/Celes ... a-bump.png
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/84094104/Celes ... -bump3.png
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/84094104/Celes ... nda-V2.png
Here my settings for Miranda in solarsys.ssc:
BumpMap "mirandabump.*"
BumpHeight 10
Color [ 0.619 0.552 0.540 ]
I had some problems with 8 and 32 bit, because Celestia ignored the 32 bit bmp Version, so I?m not sure if it?s still in 32 bit; anyway the “steps” are still visible (like in screenshot 2) but not that annoying.
A few months ago I already created a bumpmap of Miranda based on data from Dr. Schenk's 3D House of Satellites:
http://stereomoons.blogspot.de/2009/09/ ... rning.html
But I wasn?t able to get the Map in the right projection to fit with the texture, but I mixed both maps to get the right height of regions.
One last note. As you see in this image:
http://www.practicalspace.com/uranus/im ... anda-4.jpg
Miranda is not a perfect sphere, so would be nice if anyone creates a 3D model.
Let me know if it?s ready to upload at the motherlode
Here the bumpmap:
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/84094104/Celes ... dabump.png
A slightly improved Version of the texture Map:
And some screenshots:
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/84094104/Celes ... a-bump.png
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/84094104/Celes ... -bump3.png
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/84094104/Celes ... nda-V2.png
Here my settings for Miranda in solarsys.ssc:
BumpMap "mirandabump.*"
BumpHeight 10
Color [ 0.619 0.552 0.540 ]
I had some problems with 8 and 32 bit, because Celestia ignored the 32 bit bmp Version, so I?m not sure if it?s still in 32 bit; anyway the “steps” are still visible (like in screenshot 2) but not that annoying.
A few months ago I already created a bumpmap of Miranda based on data from Dr. Schenk's 3D House of Satellites:
http://stereomoons.blogspot.de/2009/09/ ... rning.html
But I wasn?t able to get the Map in the right projection to fit with the texture, but I mixed both maps to get the right height of regions.
One last note. As you see in this image:
http://www.practicalspace.com/uranus/im ... anda-4.jpg
Miranda is not a perfect sphere, so would be nice if anyone creates a 3D model.
Let me know if it?s ready to upload at the motherlode