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Fictional icy/moons maps

Posted: 14.08.2012, 13:55
by Fenerit
4k Moon-like moon


4k Icy-moon with ridges and scarps


Note that normalmaps are independent from textures. It can be used with other maps.

Re: Fictional icy/moons maps

Posted: 14.08.2012, 13:57
by Hungry4info
That looks pretty good. :o

Re: Fictional icy/moons maps

Posted: 14.08.2012, 15:16
by Cham
They are nice. However, the normal maps are having a small polar pinch effect which is annoying.

Also, the base texture of the second moon is very timid. Not enough details.

Re: Fictional icy/moons maps

Posted: 14.08.2012, 16:56
by Fenerit
Cham wrote:They are nice. However, the normal maps are having a small polar pinch effect which is annoying.

Also, the base texture of the second moon is very timid. Not enough details.

Sorry, no polar-pinch on my system. Anisotropic filter OFF (controlled by Celestia)

Medium light

Emissive true

Re: Fictional icy/moons maps

Posted: 14.08.2012, 17:07
by Cham
I'm sure it's there, Massimo. Just toggle the wireframe mode (control-W) to locate the poles, and watch closely.
The polar pinch isn't strong, but it's there.

Take note : it's almost invisible in the case of the first moon. But it's easily visible on the second one :

EDIT : And the second moon does need more details and color variations on its surface. It's too dull.

Also, I strongly suggest that you raise up the bumps on the first moon (but beware of the polar pinch).

Re: Fictional icy/moons maps

Posted: 14.08.2012, 22:44
by Fenerit
I see the behaviour on your system; but aside the different orientation, do take a look on my system (medium lights):



Re: Fictional icy/moons maps

Posted: 14.08.2012, 22:45
by Fenerit


It should be visible, being well within the 70 and 80 parallel.

Re: Fictional icy/moons maps

Posted: 14.08.2012, 23:43
by Fenerit
Another shots: no texture, just the normalmap and Color directive:


Note that displacements are achieved through ten different fractal noise bump layers; some entanglements at poles are possibles; but they must not be confused with "polar-pinch". Anyhow, without further feedbacks about such an issue, and being the program with which these textures have been done the same of the Earth-like maps for which no polar-pinch has been found, whether such difformities will be the rule amongst celestians, this project will be aborted. My graphic card is just a Nvidia GT 220 from which the fan has been remove because rumor and nonetheless my system runs very well, even in summer.

Re: Fictional icy/moons maps

Posted: 15.08.2012, 00:07
by Cham
Then, there may be some rendering differences, depending of the video cards and drivers (?).

The polar pinch is not very strong, though, and it's visible only on the second moon.
In the case of the first moon, it's so tiny I can ignore it.

But at least, you should improve the base texture (more details, color variations, ...),
especially in the case of the second moon.

Massimo, what about the nightmap for your p08 and p09 textures ?
Did you stopped working on them ?

Re: Fictional icy/moons maps

Posted: 15.08.2012, 00:34
by Fenerit
yet on the icy-moon I do not see it, albeit the mixture of bumps is a bit more marked there. For the lights I've developed another two kind of lights. I do not think they are good, though. There isn't margin to work on sharp, different kind of lights; for high-technological alien races one must specify what race is, or the light will be same: some sort of Borg illumination. Thus I've developed an "inseptoid/arachnoid/beetleoid" illumination; in which the lights are nested like honeycomb. Note that in Star Wars the only planet which is illuminated from space is just Coruscant; other planets are carefully avoided to be shown at night. Naboo is on the light side, in the Episode I, Geognosis is underground and Mustafar is basicaly desert, with magma instead of lights.

Re: Fictional icy/moons maps

Posted: 16.08.2012, 07:17
by PlutonianEmpire
Have you considered specular maps for icy worlds?

I don't know how applicable they might actually be, but I know they at least make ice planets more (or less, depending on your personal tastes) aesthetically pleasing when looking at them in Celestia. They work best if you don't use all white or 100% contrast.

Re: Fictional icy/moons maps

Posted: 16.08.2012, 13:11
by Fenerit
A "Ganymede"-alike ( :? ) moon.



The specular settings in the screenshot above are:

SpecularColor [ 0.52 0.52 0.45 ]
SpecularPower 25.0

PlutonianEmpire wrote:...
They work best if you don't use all white or 100% contrast.

noises are added as grayscale percents of existent deformations ; they can be not visible whether not enough contrasted/brightened.

Re: Fictional icy/moons maps

Posted: 16.08.2012, 13:31
by Cham
Very nice, Massimo.

This is a very good texture.

You should try to make a new one from this, with craters.

Re: Fictional icy/moons maps

Posted: 17.08.2012, 01:31
by John Van Vliet
--- edit ---

Re: Fictional icy/moons maps

Posted: 19.08.2012, 21:16
by Fenerit
john Van Vliet wrote:nice screen shots

one thing i noticed with the bumpmap and comparing it with the texture

the "cracks " in the ice aren't those supposed to be below the ice ?
europa as an example is very flat BUT the cracks are a bit lower

in the procedural "flow charts"
you might want to fork off a subtraction of the "cracks " from the bumpmap

that way they are a bit lower than the "ice rafts"

In this normalmap the "cracks" section has the bump scale inverted. Note that displacements are added like the "add" fusion amongst layers within photoretouch programs.

Re: Fictional icy/moons maps

Posted: 19.08.2012, 21:22
by Fenerit
This moon would be resemble Callisto ( :? ).


JPG format (max. quality), due to the host's filesize limitation
Specmap settings are the same of the previous moon (however, this moon looks best without specmap).

Re: Fictional icy/moons maps

Posted: 20.08.2012, 01:08
by Cham
Very nice moon, Massimo.

What about the nightmaps of p08 and p09 ? No more work on them ?

Re: Fictional icy/moons maps

Posted: 24.08.2012, 11:16
by Tegmine
Your work is very inspiring! I find myself torn between using what you've made and making my own!


Re: Fictional icy/moons maps

Posted: 24.08.2012, 19:17
by Fenerit
Tegmine wrote:Your work is very inspiring! I find myself torn between using what you've made and making my own!


Thanks. I should like to see your creations.

Re: Fictional icy/moons maps

Posted: 25.08.2012, 03:02
by Fenerit
Inspired by Enceladus... 4k PNGs


SpecularColor [ 0.5 0.5 0.51 ]
SpecularPower 25.0

Lesser SpecularPower get more "wet" effect.
