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Planet maps - rocky

Posted: 27.06.2010, 07:19
by John Van Vliet
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Re: Planet maps - rocky

Posted: 27.06.2010, 19:26
by InconspicuousBarrel
It might just be my compiler (GCC through Code::Blocks) or my OS (Win7 64), but whenever I compile planet.c and run the resulting exe a command prompt window pops up and a second later it starts beeping and flashing seemingly random symbols.

Re: Planet maps - rocky

Posted: 27.06.2010, 20:49
by John Van Vliet
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Re: Planet maps - rocky

Posted: 13.07.2010, 06:18
by John Van Vliet
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Re: Planet maps - rocky

Posted: 13.07.2010, 12:37
by selden
it seems to run OK under w7
whether it produces the right result is currently unknown.

Re: Planet maps - rocky

Posted: 13.07.2010, 18:37
by John Van Vliet
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