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Specular textures in OpenGL2.0

Posted: 20.04.2010, 21:32
by fungun
Does anyone have a clue as to why when I go to the "OpenGL 2.0" render path the textures get all bumpy?
Since I don't now or have ever used this path before i never noticed it till now.
Here are 2 pics of the same planet in different render paths.

I even took the base texture, bump map texture, and the spec texture back into my graphics program and enlarged them 2400%. The blotches don't show up there.
I am afraid I am at a loss on this one.

Re: Specular textures in OpenGL2.0

Posted: 20.04.2010, 21:36
by Reiko
Some of my textures do that too but I have no idea why. :?

Re: Specular textures in OpenGL2.0

Posted: 20.04.2010, 22:26
by Fenerit
Need the method by exclusion.
1) planet's texture + specular only > ?
2) planet's texture + bumpmap only > ?
3) the bumpmap is a bumpmap 8, 16 bit internally converted in normal map or is just a normal map?

Re: Specular textures in OpenGL2.0

Posted: 20.04.2010, 23:28
by fungun
I took screen caps of your suggestions.
The bump map is a - grey tone image/256 colors (8 BitsPerPixel)/4096 x 2048 Pixels (8.39 MPixels) (2.00). This is the info that Infraview gives.
Weird they only show up when all 3 textures are used and in OpenGL2.0 render path.

Thanks for your help,

Re: Specular textures in OpenGL2.0

Posted: 21.04.2010, 04:34
by John Van Vliet
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Re: Specular textures in OpenGL2.0

Posted: 21.04.2010, 11:58
by Fenerit
Supposed also by me what John asking for, the problem seem the bumpmap. Try this:
- do convert the bumpmap 8bit 256colors grayscale to RGB grayscale into a photoretouch program.
- Alternatively, if you have a normal map maker, do make a normal map directly from the planet's texture (do not forgot to change the directive inside the SSC from BumpMap "your_bump.*" to NormalMap "your_normal.*")

Re: Specular textures in OpenGL2.0

Posted: 21.04.2010, 21:30
by fungun
Well, it has to be in the base texture somehow. My graphics program must be adding something to the image.
I went and updated everything that has anything to do with my graphics card. It is now updated to 3-10-2010.
I also found a normal map maker at the ATI site and tried that. It made no differance, the blotches are still there.
The funny thing is, all I did was take "jestr's" Bajor3 vt textures and made one 4096x2048 texture. Using the images in the level 2 folder, I opened each one up, then pasted it into a blank image, made sure they lined up right, then saved it as a jpg.
It makes me wonder now, that by going from a bunch of small png files to one large jpg file, something messed up.

Anyway thanks for the help guys :)

I can do with out the 2.0 render option, been doing so this long.
I will have to add that information to my readme files though. "Best viewed by not using OpenGL2.0 render path" :lol:
Well back to the drawing board to try some other things.


Re: Specular textures in OpenGL2.0

Posted: 21.04.2010, 21:51
by John Van Vliet
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Re: Specular textures in OpenGL2.0

Posted: 22.04.2010, 01:44
by fungun
is this the ati 3d driver from the MS windows update
or the catalyst driver from the ATI web site???
Straight from the ATI website, the whole download was alittle over 45mb

i will take a quick look at this
is it this one? ... don_id=138
Yes the Hi-res pakage. If I use the vt textures instead of the large one I made it looks fine.

Thanks again,

Re: Specular textures in OpenGL2.0

Posted: 22.04.2010, 02:57
by John Van Vliet
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Re: Specular textures in OpenGL2.0

Posted: 22.04.2010, 03:08
by fungun
A full card.
I just checked Earth, it looks fine too.


Re: Specular textures in OpenGL2.0

Posted: 22.04.2010, 03:15
by fungun
Here is a texture I made by using cut up pieces of a earth texture and pasting into a blue 4096x2048 texture.
You will see it is not as bad except at the coast line.


Re: Specular textures in OpenGL2.0

Posted: 22.04.2010, 03:26
by John Van Vliet
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Re: Specular textures in OpenGL2.0

Posted: 22.04.2010, 08:27
by Reiko
fungun wrote:Here is a texture I made by using cut up pieces of a earth texture and pasting into a blue 4096x2048 texture.
You will see it is not as bad except at the coast line.

That's how my coast lines always look. :?

Re: Specular textures in OpenGL2.0

Posted: 22.04.2010, 09:45
by fungun
I'm sorry it must be in the main Bajor download. I thought it was in the hi-res package, but i guess not.
