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Posted: 25.08.2002, 15:15
by Darkmiss
Wow there are Tons there, more than I saw before

these modelers are really talented

Posted: 25.08.2002, 21:12
by billybob884
Darkmiss wrote:
All these models are already made in 3ds files
I saw a link to it on the that had them

Ill look for it and post it here

here is a link to some more planets (but i dont know how to use them) ... lanets.htm

And all the star wars craft you want

Thanks for the info, what i'll try to do is download the origional starwars addon, add all these planets and ships to it, and then repost it, as long as its okay with the origional maker

Sum0 wrote:No, the death star with a chunk missing was the second death star! It was only half-built. When the Rebel Alliance blows up a Death Star, they don't leave anything behind... :D

No, your confused. In the first of the origional 3 the R.A. blew it up, but there was still about 3/4s of it left in the second. Then in the third they blow it up again and its completely gone. Trust me, I have episodes 4, 5, and 6, and just watched them a couple days ago (i'm a big fan of starwars)

Mike M. :mrgreen:


Posted: 25.08.2002, 21:18
by D.Edwards
Hey Darkmiss,
Just never mind about the posts. 8O What was tested doesn't work anyway so its nothing you need to know about what transpired between Ras and myself. If it was something that worked and did something special I would have at least made a screenshot to show it off. :D

RE: DeathStar

Posted: 25.08.2002, 21:33
by D.Edwards
Ah billybob884
The DeathStar is not shown at all in Empire Strikes back. I don't know were you got your copy from but it not in the movie! It was totaly destroyed in the first Star Wars movie. Look again there is nothing left.
Also in Return of the Jedi its called a NEW DEATHSTAR. Not a reapaired DeathStar. Maybe your confusing the movies with some Star Wars books you read. As in other Sci-FI universes what is on the screen is CANNON what is in books is not unless the creators of the series says it is.

Posted: 26.08.2002, 04:05
by abiogenesis
Hey Ras and D, I remember reading, in another thread (about binary star systems, I think), a post in which Chris mentioned only using a single light source in Celestia.

The assumption, looking more and more incorrect, was that there would only ever be the one star close enough to have a meaningful effect on rendering. I think the specific post was talking about how this wouldn't be a problem for a binary star system since the stars are relatively close together. This is likely where the dark Lucifer problem lies.

I haven't looked at the rendering code, but it shouldn't be too hard to modify it to support multiple light sources. That's actually pretty easy to do in OpenGL. I think the idea was to avoid the calculations needed for hundreds of thousands of lights. But if you limit the light sources to those within a single solar system, it shouldn't be too bad.

Not sure how that would work with binaries. Do they share the same system or are they independent, I wonder...

Anyway, hope that helps. :)

- a b i o g e n e s i s -

RE: Binaries

Posted: 26.08.2002, 05:07
by D.Edwards
I guess it would depend on how close the set of binary stars was, or trinary for that matter. Look no further than our nearest star system. Its a trinary system. Proxima orbits pretty far from Alpha and Beta centauri. But alpha and beta are technicaly close enough that any planet orbiting alpha should have a decent shadow cast by beta's light on the dark side of it and visa-versa. Closer binaries should have alot more of a dramatic look. Binaries like this do exsist but at this time Celestia isn't giving us the ability to play with this posibility when placing planets in there orbit. Hopefully Chris can deside on a way of implementing this ASAP.

RE: DeathStar

Posted: 26.08.2002, 22:38
by billybob884
D.Edwards wrote:Ah billybob884
The DeathStar is not shown at all in Empire Strikes back. I don't know were you got your copy from but it not in the movie! It was totaly destroyed in the first Star Wars movie. Look again there is nothing left.
Also in Return of the Jedi its called a NEW DEATHSTAR. Not a reapaired DeathStar. Maybe your confusing the movies with some Star Wars books you read. As in other Sci-FI universes what is on the screen is CANNON what is in books is not unless the creators of the series says it is.

Sry, my bad! :oops: Not sure what I was thinking, I guess it was too late for me to think straight, sry... :oops: :oops: :oops:

Posted: 26.08.2002, 23:06
by Azagoth
Star Wars - Episode IV 'A new hope'. The Death Star is totally destroyed.

Star Wars - Episode V 'The Empire Strikes Back'. The Death Star doesn't appear.

Star Wars - Episode VI 'Return of the Jedi'. The Death Star is only partially completed, when the Millenium falcon, wedge and 2 other X-wings, a A-Wing and a Y-Wing (i think) destroy it.

Posted: 28.08.2002, 19:33
by billybob884
Incase anyone wants to know, i'm putting the starwars add-on in the topic within the next day or so. it will just be a prerelease with teh planets and the 1st death star, no ships yet. I'm gonna have to get some program to edit the .3ds files of the ships because it wont display the textures. if anyone knows what program to use or can fix them for me, please let me know in the topic posted above. Thanks!

Mike M. :mrgreen:

Posted: 28.08.2002, 20:27
by Rassilon
You will have to remap the textures as jpg format or png format with the Material Editor in 3d studio MAX or something similar that supports 3ds...If the textures are allready jpg format you will have to make sure they are sized correctly....a power of 2 eg 1024 x 512...Do this in any painting program that suports jpg format...Then it will work...

D Edwards
Yes the file did crash using the star browser for me as well...Not sure why it didnt work as far as the placement of the star...You will of course have to do the math a bit as its not like placing a planet...Use the celestial grid to give you a point of reference in placing it...It also however when placed will no longer orbit the main star! I hope this will be fixed soon...I suspect when chris revamps the current format the star plotting uses to something else...maybe stc files could be plotted like planets or like stars depending on thier usage...Currently the new version of Celestia fixes the crashing star browser so now no matter what you can still fool around a bit with it...You know with Celestia being still a beta itself Im sure it wouldnt matter if you used maybe just an emissive planet not worrying about the light source...keep it up...remember I released the mettula/traken system that way ;)

RE: Stars Orbits

Posted: 03.09.2002, 03:27
by D.Edwards
Well than thats a glitch in Celestia. What is Chris going to do about close orbiting binaries. They have to show them orbiting each other or its not realistic at all. There are plenty of real star systems with smalller red dwarfs orbitng in between jupiter an neptune type orbits. How is Celestia going show these if the orbiting stars can't be manipulated?

Posted: 03.09.2002, 03:41
by billybob884
Rassilon wrote:You will have to remap the textures as jpg format or png format with the Material Editor in 3d studio MAX or something similar that supports 3ds...If the textures are allready jpg format you will have to make sure they are sized correctly....a power of 2 eg 1024 x 512...Do this in any painting program that suports jpg format...Then it will work...

Ther only problem with that is their in .tif format, and i dont think celestia supports that file type. otherwise i could just resize them and be done with it.

Mike M. :mrgreen:

Posted: 03.09.2002, 05:59
by Rassilon
Turn your tiffs to jpegs and use MAX to remap them...or send me the files and I'll do it for you...Unless its larger then 1.5 meg then yahoo will reject the send...

Posted: 03.09.2002, 19:02
by TK274
Maybe this can help, here you'll find textures from the beloved world of SW :)
enjoy ... lanets.htm

the site also have a lot of 3d meshes ;)

Posted: 03.09.2002, 19:13
by billybob884
Rassilon wrote:Turn your tiffs to jpegs and use MAX to remap them...or send me the files and I'll do it for you...Unless its larger then 1.5 meg then yahoo will reject the send...

I'll tell you what i'll do, i'll send you a link to each file because to send all of them would be probably over 10 mb. when your dome, send about 10 mb's worth of hte files (prefrebly a little less like 9.7 or something cause my storage limit is 10) and once i download them, i'll have to send the rest, or until i have them all. Thanks so much! It will be from (if you can, try to zip them)

Mike M. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Posted: 03.09.2002, 19:43
by billybob884
TK274 wrote:Maybe this can help, here you'll find textures from the beloved world of SW :)
enjoy ... lanets.htm

the site also have a lot of 3d meshes ;)

Thats where I got all my planet textures and ships

Posted: 03.09.2002, 19:46
by Rassilon
Ill send them to you invididually when I'm done...Post the links is fine...

Posted: 03.09.2002, 20:00
by Azagoth
For all those that want the Meshes for the Various Deathstars, including the partially built one from Return of the Jedi. It is available on the same site as billybob884 mentioned. Here's the direct link.

Posted: 03.09.2002, 20:01
by billybob884
billybob884 wrote:
Rassilon wrote:Turn your tiffs to jpegs and use MAX to remap them...or send me the files and I'll do it for you...Unless its larger then 1.5 meg then yahoo will reject the send...

I'll tell you what i'll do, i'll send you a link to each file because to send all of them would be probably over 10 mb. when your dome, send about 10 mb's worth of hte files (prefrebly a little less like 9.7 or something cause my storage limit is 10) and once i download them, i'll have to send the rest, or until i have them all. Thanks so much! It will be from (if you can, try to zip them)

Mike M. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Better yet, I'll just post it here. Here is the list of links. Click one to start a download:

Rebel Ships:

Imperial Ships: (huge file 8 mb)

Mike M. :mrgreen:

Posted: 04.09.2002, 01:57
by Rassilon
OK Ill get to those ASAP...