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Posted: 31.07.2004, 18:38
by Kolano
maxim wrote:a windows based webserver to run the conversion tool on. I think motherlode is based on a linux system, so the conversion tools won't work there.

I'm pretty sure there is a Linux conversion tool as well.

Posted: 31.07.2004, 19:44
by maxim
That would be cool. The only commandline or shell tool I know is that from nvidia, that only runs on win os. If you can point me to one for linux ...


Posted: 01.08.2004, 21:05
by Harry
maxim wrote:That would be cool. The only commandline or shell tool I know is that from nvidia, that only runs on win os. If you can point me to one for linux ...

The DevIL library supports conversion to (and from) DDS. It includes a small test program which already can convert to DDS dxt1, and with minor changes supports dxt3 and dxt5. But it doesn't do any fancy conversions, no dithering or other special options...

There is a Mac OS X package of DevIL, so it should be possible to build a DevIL-based converter for OS X.

Celestia Motherlode (i.e. ibiblio) doesn't have DevIL installed, so it would be a bit of work to get it running there.


Posted: 07.08.2004, 19:35
by }{
I tried to convert some jpg to dds with the "Nvdxt" converter using this command line

nvdxt -file c:\*.jpg

All the new images came out in blue hue!!
(a new way to make a jupiterlike texture :P)

what is the right command line to obtain a perfect conversion????
Thank you!

Posted: 08.08.2004, 08:12
by maxim
Hmm... have you tried another image format and another dds-conversion?
Like the example 'nvdxt -file test.tga -dxt1c'


Posted: 08.08.2004, 12:06
by selden

Despite the documentation, the only input formats that nvdxt seems to be able to use are TGA and TIFF.

My 'texconvert' tool for Linux, native WIN32 and Cygwin

Posted: 08.08.2004, 16:04
by t00fri
Hi all,

as I have written several times in various depts of this forum, I have coded (some time ago) a quite satisfactory tool to convert many different formats including DXT1,DXT3,DXT5 in both directions!

It is much faster than 'nvdxt', based on the latest DevIL library (1.6.7) and runs under Linux, native Windows and Cygwin alike. In particular, even with my 1GHz PIII/512MB RAM, I can easily and quickly convert 16k textures into DXT1,3,5.

In addition 'texconvert' can perform a number of further useful actions:

As required, it automatically rescales textures to be converted to DXT format to the closest 2^n size, provided the aspect ratio W/H was originally 2^n. There is a choice of many (partly fancy) rescaling methods to do this. Also there is the possibility of sharpening or blurring the texture. In DXT conversion, the appropriate number of mipmaps is generated and saved by default. Mipmap generation may also be switched off. For all other supported formats, arbitrary rescaling with a method of choice is possible, including modifications of the aspect ratio.

Presently, I am in the final testing stages (wrto the brand new version 1.6.7 of DevIL). Then I shall make it available for download, with a precompiled texconvert.exe for native WIN32 or Cygwin users who where too lazy to learn a little compiling...

The binary package for WIN32 includes the DeVIL-1.6.7 .dll's, so people do not even have to worry about installing the DevIL library.

Linux users are usually more educated as to compiling (at least they were before RPM's came along;-)). So they have to type first './configure && make install ' in the top Dev-1.6.7 directory...

Bye Fridger

Re: My 'texconvert' tool for Linux, native WIN32 and Cygwin

Posted: 08.08.2004, 16:45
by rthorvald
t00fri wrote:Presently, I am in the final testing stages (wrto the brand new version 1.6.7 of DevIL). Then I shall make it available for download, with a precompiled texconvert.exe for native WIN32 or Cygwin users who where too lazy to learn a little compiling...

Thanks, i?m looking forward to test your win package; with luck, i can get it to run reasonably in VirtualPC on my Mac (the nvdxt tools won?t, by some reason).

BTW, we?re not neccecarily lazy, you know ;-) There?s so much to learn, and just that many hours to do it in...


Re: My 'texconvert' tool for Linux, native WIN32 and Cygwin

Posted: 08.08.2004, 19:12
by maxim
rthorvald wrote:BTW, we?re not neccecarily lazy, you know ;-) There?s so much to learn, and just that many hours to do it in...

Yeah, and there's other stuff hanging around, keeping you up 'til long after midnight. That's why the concept of 'division of labour' was indroduced some millenias before :wink:

maxim :)

Re: My 'texconvert' tool for Linux, native WIN32 and Cygwin

Posted: 08.08.2004, 19:35
by t00fri
maxim wrote:
rthorvald wrote:BTW, we?re not neccecarily lazy, you know ;-) There?s so much to learn, and just that many hours to do it in...
Yeah, and there's other stuff hanging around, keeping you up 'til long after midnight. That's why the concept of 'division of labour' was indroduced some millenias before :wink:

maxim :)

Yeah, I have heard that sort of argument many times before...

Think of all these /exponential/ learning curves people are missing out by spending most of their time arguing that they have got NO time;-).

Bye Fridger

Posted: 08.08.2004, 19:56
by maxim
If it's only for the learning you're right - people should take their time.
But I, for example, don't currently have a C++ Developing Environment installed and configured. As my system is undergoing rapid changes and reconfigurations at the moment, that would take up to one month until I could save enought time for that - so that task stays in the background.

Maybe it's just this overhead that prevends some people.

OH DAMN, lost some more time with arguing!

maxim ;)

Posted: 08.08.2004, 20:10
by t00fri
maxim wrote:If it's only for the learning you're right - people should take their time.
But I, for example, don't currently have a C++ Developing Environment installed and configured. As my system is undergoing rapid changes and reconfigurations at the moment, that would take up to one month until I could save enought time for that - so that task stays in the background.

Maybe it's just this overhead that prevends some people.

OH DAMN, lost some more time with arguing!

maxim ;)

If you spend 1-2 hours to read carefully the Cygwin install tutorial and then click 'setup.exe' on the Cygwin site, you will have a perfect, stable state-of-the-art, /free/ C++/C/Java/Fortran development environment on your XP machine a little while later. In addition, you have for the first time a decent shell (zsh, bash) that allows to execute very sophisticated scripting jobs...

Bye Fridger

Posted: 08.08.2004, 21:22
by maxim
I have cygwin installed because of it's very usefull bash shell. But I never examined it far enough to detect that there is a C/C++ environment included. That's nice - I'll gonna take a look.

maxim :)

Posted: 08.08.2004, 21:59
by t00fri
maxim wrote:I have cygwin installed because of it's very usefull bash shell. But I never examined it far enough to detect that there is a C/C++ environment included. That's nice - I'll gonna take a look.

maxim :)


your C++/C compiler is the (GNU) 'gcc' - compiler. You can even compile OpenGL programs that use your XP /hardware acceleration/ drivers! The best is that native Windows programs perfectly cooperate with Cygwin (Linux) applications. In order to avoid frustration here, this requires some reading of the excellent tutorial documentation.

For example, I have simply defined some aliases to the Paths of native WIN32 applications like xnview, irfanview, acrobat or gimp2 under Cygwin. Then I can call these programs simply by name from my zsh (bash).

Similarly, my native WIN32 'texconvert.exe' may either be run from a familiar DOS prompt or --much better-- within a bash or zsh of Cygwin. This allows to use my fast WIN32 'texconvert' in 'intelligent' shell scripts for VT tile mass production, for example. That's precisely what I do since > 1year, when I generate some new tiles...

With a /correctly installed/ Cygwin system, all it takes to compile the DevIL libraries, for example, is to type './configure && make' in the top directory of the DevIL sources. My texconvert sources are compiled by typing simply 'make'.

This can't be toooooooooooo hard;-)

Bye Fridger

PS: Most important is to download & install the rxvt terminal from Cygwin. It emulates a luxurious (white) Linux 'xterm' without needing a running X-server!! So all you got to do is to substitute your startup 'cygwin.bat' script in the Cygwin root directory (/) by:

Code: Select all

 @echo off
set CYGWIN=server
chdir C:\cygwin\bin
REM bash --login -i

rxvt.exe -tn xterm -lsp 2 -fg MidnightBlue -geometry 81x40 -sb -sl 2000 -fn "Lucida Console-16" -title CygLogin -e zsh --login -i

If you prefer 'bash' instead of 'zsh', just replace -e zsh above by -e bash.

Upon double clicking your Cygwin icon on the XP desktop, a neat white '81x40 xterm' terminal with AA fonts (!!) opens and starts your Cygwin session...

Posted: 09.08.2004, 21:57
by maxim
Ok, i see :).
I will have a closer look, as soon as I've finished the reconfiguration of my complete addons compilation.
