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Posted: 21.12.2003, 14:30
by Buzz
I have an 8k spec map too:

Posted: 21.12.2003, 20:32
by Darkmiss
Buzz I do believe the one I was refering to, is your very texture.
Just Converted to DDS

Sorry I got it so long ago, I completly forgot where :roll: :D
maybe you should make it available in DDS too.

Posted: 22.12.2003, 20:48
by diabloblanco17
I think he just wanted to see what the new 16k texture would look like in it.

Exactly. I can't actually put my textures into Celestia to look at them, as the program crashes the computer shortly after it starts. I have to use 3ds Max, and I just thought I'd plug the texture into my basic planet scene file and see how it looked. And I doubt that Celestia can generate the lens flare, unless you already have it as an image file. [/i]

Posted: 22.12.2003, 21:43
by granthutchison
diabloblanco17 wrote:And I doubt that Celestia can generate the lens flare, unless you already have it as an image file.
No, no lens flare in Celestia. See here for why that is.


Posted: 23.12.2003, 00:41
by Don. Edwards
Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. I no longer plug-in the specmaps into my Earth textures. I did this by request of most users so that the file size could be smaller and they can use what ever specmap they want. But it ws mainly to shrink file size. I plan on putting a nice specmap together for Earth Central but I have yet to find one in its prebuilt form. I do have the VT specmap and I was toying with the idea of putting it back together as a single 8k texture. It does have more river info than what Buzz's did.
So stay tunned.

Don. Edwards

Posted: 23.12.2003, 00:58
by bh
diabloblanco17...great image...Don...your textures are fantastic. If you want to use Celestia for some awesome screenshots like diabloblanco17's... try some of the photoshop plug-ins (or others)...Celestia can render some really fine artwork!

Posted: 23.12.2003, 03:43
by selden
Diablo and Don,

I'd completely forgotten about the movie. :oops: It's especially embarassing since I'd made some comments about it in a previous thread!


Have you tried disabling hardware acceleration completely? Although it results in much slower performance, maybe it'd help with the crashes.


Umm, well, don't forget that Celestia actually does generate a type of lens flare when it displays the sun and stars close up. It isn't quite as dramatic as some would like, but it is there.

Posted: 23.12.2003, 09:46
by Don. Edwards
If your install of Celestia is crashing with your textures it sounds like they may be out of normal size range. Remember that all textures in Celestia must be power of 2. So if you texture is say 20000x10000 than you would have o reduce its size to 16384x8192 or if it was 10000x5000 to 8192x4096. Yes you will loose some detail, them is the breaks. Celestia is stuck to using texture sizes of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, etc.....
So make sure your textures are the right size and that they are in a compatilble format .jpg, .png, or converted to .dds. Also if you are not converting to .dds make sure you install the line "CompressTexture true" into your solarsys.ssc or add-on.ssc. It should look like this.

"Planet4" "Star12"
Texture "Planet4.png"
NightTexture "Planet4night.JPG"
CompressTexture true
Color [ 0.85 0.85 1.0 ]

This compresses the textures on the fly. Very usefull for testing a large texture before converting to .dds. I used to use it all the time. But now I just take th extra step and convert and test in .dds
Hope this helps. Wolud love to see some screen captures of your great textures rendered in Celestia. :wink:

Don. Edwards