MiR wrote:.
Once again; Pegasi/b (i mean: my Pegasi/b ) is only science fiction. With the emphasis of "fiction". More an artistic impression.
Hope you agree.
Is not science fiction surely.
First, the main color of your Pegasi b is yellow, how in the classification of the planetary society:
http://www.planetary.org/exoplanets/list.php?exo=51+Pegasi+b thus, like you also a scientific entity, the planetary society make science fiction? (the logic question, because if one reply not, then neither you make science fiction)
Second, Pegasi b exist really, its presence is controllable through instrument by of a multitude of men (not with the amatorial telescopes, of course) and is not fictional as Bajor, Hoth or Trantor, which existences, together with that all is grant them (home of races) is not controllable. Thus, cognitively and epistemologically, all that is depicted of real planetary subject is always "artist conception" and not "science fiction". IMHO.