Post #13by MKruer » 14.10.2002, 09:19
OK well I guess I might as well turn this one over to you Rassilon. I was working on it, but I couldn’t make adding a star work for me, so here it is. This is a real nasty one, but I think you might like it. A REAL Rouge Black Hole! (Ok technically they still are not sure, but there is a 99% that it is one.)
Here in did all the homework for you.
"XTE J1650-500" a stellar black hole with the approximate mass of 10 suns
RA 252.5041667 # 16h 50m 01s.0
Dec -49.9625 # -49o 57' 45" (J2000.0, error=2")
Distance 26000ly
Radius 15k
Absolute visual magnitude of -2
This is how I was gong to create it. I might give you some ideas for future projects
I was going to make a star with the correct brightness, but a small radius. I was then going to place a larger planet object on top of the star, fully covering it. I would make the default planet pure black, and then add a thin light red atmosphere for the Hawking radiation effect. Place two Pulsar Jets (comets) for the poles of the black hole. Then finally add a ring for the gas and matter falling into the black hole. The ring would star at the surface of the event horizon, and extend for about 1 AU or so.
I don’t now if this is even possible, but hey.