Newbie Question

Tips for creating and manipulating planet textures for Celestia.

Newbie Question

Post #1by Guest » 03.10.2002, 22:25

Ho do i install properly: earthbump.jpg ?

Posts: 8
Joined: 22.09.2002
With us: 22 years 5 months
Location: the middle of the USA

I'm not quite the master of all things Celestia that others

Post #2by Bat » 05.10.2002, 14:19

appear to be, but this one seems simple enough. First of all, throw the earthbump.jpg in the textures/medres folder. I assume you've actually already done this. Next you'll need to modify your solarsys.ssc file in order to tell Celestia to use your new bump map. Go to the data folder and open solarsys.ssc with a text editor. I prefer the no-frills notepad myself. Anyway... Once opened, scroll down to the heading

"Earth" "Sol"

There you'll see all sorts of data elements, but what you need to do is add one. I'm not sure if there is a strict hierarchy such that certain elements MUST be placed before others, but for planets and moons that already use bump maps they are listed after all the other textures for the planet. This is what the relevant portion of my solarsys.ssc file looks like (I also chose an arbitrary value of 5.0 for the bump height more for asthetic reasons than anything):

Code: Select all

"Earth" "Sol"
                Texture ""
                NightTexture ""
                BumpMap "earthbump2k.jpg"
                BumpHeight 5.0

I hope this helps.

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