32k Marble Earth texture bug

Tips for creating and manipulating planet textures for Celestia.
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32k Marble Earth texture bug

Post #1by jgrillo2002 » 25.09.2003, 23:15

is it just me or is the earth look wierd :? . anyways, the image shows what I am experiencing at the moment. for some reason the textures look messed up.

Here is my confuration of my Computer

AMD Athlon, 950 MHz
100MHz external bus

American Megatrends Inc. 0AAVWP13 06/26/2001

256MB physical
90% free resources
3 memory slots, 1 free (128+128+0)

Graphics Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400
Screen Area/Colors: 1024x768 pixels, 16 million colors
Monitor: Gateway EV700B

C:\ (FAT32) 38152MB total, 17596MB free
D:\ CD-ROM/CD-RW or DVD Drive
E:\ CD-ROM/CD-RW or DVD Drive

Network and Modem
(net) Realtek Realtek RTL8029(AS)-based Ethernet Adapter (Generic)
(net) Broadcom Broadcom 4211 iLine10 Network Adapter
(net) Microsoft Direct Parallel
(modem) BCM BCM V.90 56K Modem

Operating System
Windows XP SP1 (Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1)
Original setup date: 8/5/2003
DirectX Version: 5.3.0000000.900 built by: DIRECTX
Swap file managed by Windows
File cache managed by Windows

MSIE 6.0; 5.1
Proxy: No proxy set
HTTP level: direct 1.1, proxy 1.0
Scripting version:

Don. Edwards
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Post #2by Don. Edwards » 26.09.2003, 03:06

What you are experiencing is usualy the simptom of running out of video memory. Try using a smaller foot-print bumpmap/normalmap, nightside texture, or specmap. By trying diferent combinations you should get it to display right.

Don. Edwards
I am officially a retired member.
I might answer a PM or a post if its relevant to something.

Ah, never say never!!
Past texture releases, Hmm let me think about it

Thanks for your understanding.

Topic author
Posts: 132
Joined: 26.07.2002
Age: 38
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Location: New York, USA

Post #3by jgrillo2002 » 20.11.2003, 02:21

I tried level 1 but no luck. I have a 32 meg vidocard & orbiter works fine. it looke like that celestia may be corrupted

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Joined: 13.02.2002
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Post #4by Paul » 20.11.2003, 03:35

32meg is not enough memory for displaying an ordinary 32k texture. Is the Earth texture a virtual texture? That is, are you using a version of Celestia more recent than 1.2.5 ?


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