DDS Texture Compression Tools

Tips for creating and manipulating planet textures for Celestia.
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Post #41by chris » 29.05.2003, 23:51

You need to upgrade to DirectX9 . . . ... laylang=en


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nVidia page won't let me download fully

Post #42by AdamOfTheTable » 21.10.2003, 07:22

I keep trying to download the latest dds.8bi but it get to about halfway at most and freezes. If I try Download Accelerator, the file it saves is unusable. What gives? (I also use shared internet connection of a 56K dial-up, maybe its just buggy) I wish I could get it because I also can't save the 16k RedMars JPEG to DDS.
Windows XP Pro 1Ghz Athlon 768Mb RAM
ATI Radeon 8500 128Mb video RAM
using Catalyst 3.9 drivers
Celestia 1.3.1


Celestia Textures

Post #43by dsroy » 22.12.2003, 02:04

Simple question.

I'm working on a 16K Moon texture for Orbiter (there are serious flaws IMHO with Praesepe's), and would like to make it available to both the Orbiter and Celestia communities. Is there a DDS compression tool, besides Microsoft's DXtex (which still fails on 16k x 8k textures), that runs under Windows and doesn't require Adobe Photoshop?

Thank You

Darryl Roy

Don. Edwards
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Post #44by Don. Edwards » 22.12.2003, 03:30

Well I use Pixel's CreatBigDDS tools for my work on my big 16k textures. It is the only thing right now that can create a 16k texture. There are multiple steps to getting it done but if you follow the instructions you should be able to get everything to work. I tried to find the link in the forum by doing a search but it has really gotten full in here and after some 20 minutes I still couldn't find the thread with the link. So I uploaded it to my server storage area and you can download it here .
Just be sure to read the enclosed read me file and you should be able to get your 16k moon texture compressed in no time. Good luck.
It is nice to see an Orbiter user contributing to Celestia as well as Orbiter. If you have any other textures that you have made for Orbiter laying around please consider poring them to the Celestia community as well. If more of the Orbiter talent was crossed over to Celestia we would have so many textures to play with we wouldn't know what to do with them. And if you know any of the other Orbiter texture artists you may ask them if would consider cross porting as well.

Don. Edwards
I am officially a retired member.
I might answer a PM or a post if its relevant to something.

Ah, never say never!!
Past texture releases, Hmm let me think about it

Thanks for your understanding.


Post #45by Guest » 24.12.2003, 15:31

You may also want to try the command line tool i wrote with devIL. you can find it here:

Its at the bottom of the page. It will only work for dxt1 though-contrary to what i put in the readme. I and i think a few others have compressed 16k textures with it.


dds viewing

Post #46by Guest » 28.12.2003, 01:31

Hi all,
I too found 16k dds too much for the nvidia thumbnail viewer, this free and easy to use viewer will open them, with no fuss, in a range of sizes upto 768x576,
cheers ziggy

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Post #47by Psykotik » 07.03.2004, 15:45

I'm just using now the nvdxt tool to do a mass converting. I'm trying to convert numerous files from png format to dds (for virtual texture, specular map).

The problem is I can't get this tool working correctly; every option I tried render a bad picture, where the original png pic is displayed 1 1/3 time.

Let's see what I mean :


I suspect that's the result for a square texture, since the size of VT is 1/3.

Any idea ?

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Post #48by selden » 07.03.2004, 15:58

For me, the only input format that works reliably with nvdxt is .TGA.

John Van Vliet
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Post #49by John Van Vliet » 09.03.2004, 09:02

hi all first i have to say i gave up on the nvida thumnail viewer
it was allways crashing explorer
i will have to shoot my self again but MicroSoft's direct x sdk has a thumnail viwer biult in and will work on 16k images , i have not tryed it on a 32k .
also the sdk has not once crashed explorer

hay didn't i post about nxview about 1.5 years ago

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