Celestia + Lua-web-tools + textures from Internet

Tips for creating and manipulating planet textures for Celestia.
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Celestia + Lua-web-tools + textures from Internet

Post #1by darius » 18.03.2013, 16:46


Interested to have textures refreshed, updated on-the-fly from the net.

It looks like Lua-web-tools support Apache web server, mySql and more.

Since I live on Win32 XP I plan to install cygwin, compile Lua-web-tools
to keep downloading textures from Internet
and have Celestia's Cel/ Celx / Lua script to loop preloadtextures to get texture refresh in Celestia.

Please let me know your opinion since I am great fan of Celestia but not much experienced in Lua.

Since Celestia supports window split (vertical, horizontal) I would like to have one window to display live satellite imaginary.

I was told about memory limitations in Celestia and no support for multi-threading but Celestia is great tools for education
and another sought feature is 3D anaglyphs space viewer

Tested 2D > 3D anaglyphs image conversion in GIMP > GMIC, Tom Keil's filter
http://www.flickr.com/photos/tomkeil/ http://www.flickr.com/groups/gmic/discu ... 744/page2/


Sorry for all-in-one but really need to know your opinion.


John Van Vliet
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Re: Celestia + Lua-web-tools + textures from Internet

Post #2by John Van Vliet » 18.03.2013, 20:28

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Last edited by John Van Vliet on 18.10.2013, 11:36, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Celestia + Lua-web-tools + textures from Internet

Post #3by darius » 19.03.2013, 16:15

Thanks John,

from just where on " ? the internet?"

nothing changes very fast

You are exactly right.
I get Earth's images from Nasa and need to configure Celestia to act as a smart viewer.
I get Earth's satellite imaginery and need to use Celestia as a smart viewer.

Since Celestia supports window split (vertical, horizontal) I would like to have one window to display live satellite imaginary.

if you rerite the celestia source code
but then there is google earth , that already dose that[/quote]

Google earth is ok but I prefer off-line mode scripted application like Celestia.

I exactly need to edit overlay polylines, circles and alike objects from a library of ready objects.

Celestia looks to be flexible to me to support these features.

How to run diaporama > more objects in infoImage.lua
how to switch between images ?


John Van Vliet
Posts: 2941
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Re: Celestia + Lua-web-tools + textures from Internet

Post #4by John Van Vliet » 19.03.2013, 17:25

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Last edited by John Van Vliet on 18.10.2013, 11:36, edited 1 time in total.

Topic author
Posts: 18
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Re: Celestia + Lua-web-tools + textures from Internet

Post #5by darius » 20.03.2013, 16:57

do you have 6 to 8 4 Tb drives for the earth data
about 12 to 32 terabits of storage
and at least a 4 box xenon 8 core powered cluster to run the offline storage[/quote]


nothing of this kind but I can view live telescope video on-the-fly

I get satellite imaginery emailed from NASA and all I need is to
process images like http://eoimages.gsfc.nasa.gov/images/im ... st_lrg.jpg
into texture fit for Celestia, nothing special.

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