Whatever the "lapse" rate is supposed to mean, the temperature dependence of the exponent is a crucial effect and all but small!
The lapse rate is the change in temperature with a given change in altitude. On Earth I think it
averages 6.5C/1000m or so, but it is really variable depending upon the altitude range you're talking about. The more precise barometric formula looks like this:
P = Pb ( Tb / (Tb + Lb (h - hb)) ^ ((g * M)/(R * Lb))
where Lb is the lapse rate so, yes, it is in the exponent. Does that look familiar? It's hard to make it "look right" written out like that. It looks better on the wikipedia page.
All variables:
Pb = static pressure
Tb = standard temperature
Lb = lapse rate
R = universal gas constant
g = gravitational acceleration
M = molar mass of the atmoshpere
h = height above sea level
hb = height at bottom layer (a wierd empiric way to allow for differences in various layers of the atmosphere, including the lapse rate; I think this somehow incorporates the scale height, too, or maybe they are the same thing?; see the wikipedia page for an explaination)
I'm using terminology that I find in my brief reading so please forgive me if I'm using obscure or inappropriate definitions. I thus have no idea how to translate "lapse rate" into another term that you might be more familiar with. And my German is only suitable for ordering dinner and asking where to find a toilet, so your English is demonstrably far superior to my German, and I have NO IDEA what a comparable term would be in German. (Assuming that German is your native language.)
Anyway, since I didn't have data for hb for Mars I didn't use this formula- I used the simplified one.
But I will again note that when comparing the results from the simplified formula that I used to real data from Earth the correleation was great. Don seemed to be implying that average temperatures on his terraformed mars weren't too ridiculous, so for a rough estimate I thought that I could use the formula. The IMPORTANT point to be made, I think, is that:
1. Gravity is low, so gas tends to "stack high" instead of "compressing low".
2. Don wants a sea-level pressure of 2 atmospheres. Wow.
These combine to form a very high, thick air column- more so than Don thought, I suspect. (That's a LOT of gas, and another reason that I think a 2 bar goal is unrealistic.) As I said, even if I'm off by 50%, heck, there would still be enough air over Olymous Mons to haul snow up there.
I am a confesssed amateur. I'm just a science fiction Mars fanboy. You're a physicist. If I'm really that wrong, can you explain why in a little more detail? I have a science doctorate (granted it's an MD, not physics), so you needn't limit yourelf to simplistic explainations. Heck, if you can post a more accurate model, please do so. I'd be ecstatic. I'm really interested in figuring this out and, frankly, it's getting frustrating. I'd like to be able to estimate pressure at various altitudes on a terraformed Mars, given a notional "sea level" pressure.