How do i make a Second Star????
Posted: 01.12.2005, 17:17
by Deimos
I want to add a second star in my new system, it's possible ?
thx for your answer =)
(si possible en fran?§ais^^ )
Posted: 01.12.2005, 17:54
by brokfn
Qu'est ce que tu appelles "mon nouveau syst??me" ??
Un syst??me planetaire cr?©?© autour d'une ?©toile existante ?
Sinon, une ?©toile se d?©finit dans un fichier STC o?? l'on sp?©cifie son ascension droite, sa d?©clinaison, sa distance, son type spectral et sa magnitude absolue.
Posted: 01.12.2005, 19:17
by Deimos
Oui en effet je parle de syst??me planetaire cr?©?© autour d'une ?©toile existante que j'ai d?©j? fait, et je voudrais donc savoir comment mettre un soleil de plus pour pouvoir cr?©?© un syst??me binaire.
Posted: 01.12.2005, 19:27
by Malenfant
This is the basic format for making a binary system (ie adding another star), taken from Fridger's binary star files. This will only work in versions of Celestia later than 1.4.0pre6 (or in any FT version).
Note that you need to put the HIP number of the star next to the A component. (and this is an stc file, not an ssc file).
Code: Select all
Barycenter "ALF Cen"
RA 219.920400
Dec -60.835152
Distance 4.395071
71683 "ALF Cen A" # component A
OrbitBarycenter "ALF Cen"
SpectralType "G2V"
AppMag 0.24
EllipticalOrbit {
Period 79.850
SemiMajorAxis 10.685 # mass ratio 1.12 : 0.93
Eccentricity 0.520
Inclination 82.230
AscendingNode 67.316
ArgOfPericenter 4.013
MeanAnomaly 200.130
"ALF Cen B" # component B
OrbitBarycenter "ALF Cen"
SpectralType "G2V"
AppMag 1.49
EllipticalOrbit {
Period 79.850
SemiMajorAxis 12.873 # mass ratio 1.12 : 0.93
Eccentricity 0.520
Inclination 82.230
AscendingNode 67.316
ArgOfPericenter 184.013
MeanAnomaly 200.130