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Joystick support for Linux in 1.4.0 ?

Posted: 16.11.2005, 09:38
by medusa
Just searched the forum and found some old posts about joystick support for Linux. The reply in all cases was an unisono "Not Yet".
However, I have a standard /dev/js0 jovstick which works well with some test tools like jstest under Linux. Nevertheless Celestia 1.3.2 doesn't acknowledge it in any way (yes I know about the <F8> key).

So the question is, will there be a long desired Linux joystick support in Celestia 1.4.0 final....


Posted: 26.01.2006, 09:53
by lardhan
Medusa, maybe you know this already but here goes a tip for other users interested in this subject:

There are some utilities for catching the actions of a working joystick and transform them in other events. I have tested QStick (kbstick) with an old analog joystick to bind its movements and buttons to Celestia keyboard strokes, and it worked well enough for me. After the 'make' of a single .c file you may use 'xev' to identify adittional key-codes, edit the bash script (suggestion: comment the '&' of the last line while testing) and you are done.

Some other similar or related utilities: Button Masher (python, just for tests), joy2key, joyd, joymouse, js2mouse, jsme, net2js


Posted: 25.09.2006, 15:30
by medusa
Thanks for the tip about -
I now use qjoypad 3 and it works quite well!
