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.SSC File Correction

Posted: 25.01.2005, 21:54
by Rocket Man
This is a piece of my .SSC file of my add-on. I got "b" and "Halo Center" to work. Halo # will not. Do you see anything wrong with this .SCC file?

"Halo 0" "HD 512/b/Halo Center"
Mesh "halo.3DS"
Texture "halo0.png"
SpecularColor [ 0.5 0.5 0.55 ]
SpecularPower 25.0
Radius 48.61111
Mass 5.8333e24
EllipticalOrbit {
Period 0.0249589
SemiMajorAxis 1.02
ArgOfPericenter 0
RotationOffset 0

(+359 more)

Thank you.

Posted: 26.01.2005, 00:07
by selden
You'll have to be much more explicit than just "it won't work". Exactly what problem do you seem to be having?

Your "Halo 0" worked fine for me when I changed your Mesh and Texture definitions to specify a model and a texture image file that are on my system.

It'd help if you included your definitions for "b" and "halo center". I had to make up my own. How "Halo 0" is drawn depends on how they're defined.

Posted: 26.01.2005, 04:33
by Tanketai
Maybe it's the Semimajor axis. This 'halo 0' would be considered a moon, right? as it is orbiting something around a planet...
So the distance would be measured in km...
the 1.02 that you wrote should put halo 0 right inside the 'halo center'.
but then again, as you did not say what 'halo center' is, I might just be talking nonsense... hehe :)
PS: 'halo center' could be a barycenter, right? I recntly used one to create a double gas giant. (they're really useful, WHEN you know how to write them down. Mine took me two hours to get it right)

Posted: 28.01.2005, 21:15
by Rocket Man
Selden said:
Your "Halo 0" worked fine for me when I changed your Mesh and Texture definitions to specify a model and a texture image file that are on my system.

Can you please show me your .SSC file you fixed based on my piece I posted?

"Halo Center" is an invisible I used to set up "Halo 0-359". "b" is the gas planet which "Halo Center" orbits around. I'm sorry I didn't explain this to you before. It would proably help.

Thank you.

Posted: 28.01.2005, 21:49
by selden

Code: Select all

"b" "HD 512" {
   Texture "gasgiant.*"
   NightTexture "gasgiantnight.*"

   Mass       240     # M.sin(i) = 0.75 jupiters
   Radius     75600

   EllipticalOrbit {
      Period          0.0083
      SemiMajorAxis   0.0393
      Eccentricity    0
      Inclination     85
      AscendingNode   284
      ArgOfPericenter 149
      MeanAnomaly     58

   Obliquity             85 # guess, to match inclination
   EquatorAscendingNode  284 # guess, to match ascending node

   # likely to be in captured synchronous rotation

"Halo Center"  "HD 512/b" {
   Class "invisible"
   Texture       "prometheus.*"
   Mesh      "prometheus.cmod"
   Radius    74 # maximum semi-axis
   MeshCenter [ 0.75 -2.68 1.064 ]

      Period      0.612986
      SemiMajorAxis   139350
      Eccentricity   0.0023
      Inclination   0.000
      LongOfPericenter 32.879   # J2000.0
      MeanAnomaly     22.695   #

   RotationOffset     236

   Albedo 0.6


"Halo 0" "HD 512/b/Halo Center"
   Mesh "amalthea.cmod"
   Texture "amalthea.*"

   SpecularColor [ 0.5 0.5 0.55 ]
   SpecularPower 25.0
   Radius 48.61111
   Mass 5.8333e24
   EllipticalOrbit {
            Period 0.0249589
             SemiMajorAxis 1.02
             ArgOfPericenter 0
   RotationOffset 0

I just copied one of the exoplanet definitions
and the definition of one of the moons of Saturn.

I'm sure that the resulting "halo center" definition can be simplified.

Posted: 28.01.2005, 22:01
by Rocket Man
Thank you, Selden.

Is there any information on a .SSC file have to be mathmaticly porportional?

:oops: (Sorry for the bad spelling, I'm only a freshman student. English is not my best subject.) :oops:

Posted: 28.01.2005, 22:10
by selden
Celestia does not enforce any numerical relationship among the SSC values. However, you must spell the keywords correctly, including capitalization.

Some keywords are required, though. For example,
Period and (SemiMajorAxis or PericenterDistance) are required in EllipticalOrbit definitions, but they don't have to have any "realistic" relationship to one another.

Ulrich Dickmann and Bob Hegwood have written a PDF document describing SSC files. It is available in both English and German at ... ation.html

Posted: 02.02.2005, 23:06
by Rocket Man
Well, I got Ulrich Dickmann's and Bob Hegwood's PDF guide. I tryed my best to follow it.

I tryed the .SSC file you posted. I switched the models to my models going to use for this add-on. I encounter the same problem that cuase to add this thread. Celestia(v1.3.2) has the names and positions where I want them to go. But, the models doesn't show. Halo 0 is there but the model is not. I got the model from Ring World add-on I found by going through this forum. (I think that thread was deleted.) I tried my new model I made with Anim8tor, and exported it to .3ds file, I still didn't show.
Can you explain this and how to fix it?

Posted: 02.02.2005, 23:12
by selden
A long list of possible problems to look for can be found at ... tro.html#6

Posted: 02.02.2005, 23:31
by Rocket Man
Also is it possible to add a HUD to the Celestia screen?


Posted: 03.02.2005, 14:37
by selden
"HUD" info already is in the corners of Celestia's screen.
Type a v to see that info.

An additional "pretty picture border" which would obscure the display is very unlikely.

Posted: 06.02.2005, 21:01
by Darkshot
Just out of curiousity, would this 'halo' that you are making have anything to do with Halo the video game? :)

Posted: 08.02.2005, 22:21
by Rocket Man
Yes, this Halo I'm making is from Halo, the game. I also trying to make like the Pillar of Autumn, Covenant Capital Ships, and other ships and other from the game. hopfully...

Now I have figured out how to get the models on Celestia. I have another problem. The models are sopose to make ring but it has gaps in it. What up? Any ideas?

I have it almost figured out. Just have to fix the Halo and add the textures. Then it will be ready.

Posted: 15.02.2005, 00:14
by Rocket Man
The Construction of the halo model is completed :!:

Now all I have to do is add the textures.

Is it some of posible to add a atmosphere to just the ring without having the sphere affect?

Posted: 17.02.2005, 00:53
by Rocket Man
Also, does the models have be at a certain file size? Because I made a space station models and It doesn't appear when I go to it.

Posted: 17.02.2005, 15:12
by selden
Unfortunately, it seems that the atmosphere definition is designed only for spherical planets.

There are way too many possible problems that would cause a model not to be drawn.

Please read which lists some of the common problems and fixes.

Posted: 17.02.2005, 23:19
by Rocket Man
Thank you, Selden.

Now I have mastered this skill, I belive that others can come here for thier .SSC troubles.