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If you can't go to the mountain, ...

Posted: 20.06.2002, 07:19
by Talion'h Kaärd
... The mountain will come to you

Well, I'm trying to create a doc about adding planets, objects, stars, etc ... in Celestia.
But I don't know how to do.
Peurhaps we can do a "Wiki", where everybody can add something, identified in specifical subject, like "how to ..."
Is can accept it ?
Can we do it, or vote it (it's more democratic :P )

If you don't know what is a Wiki, you can see one at (in french, sorry :D )

It's something like a faq, but everybody can participate in real time.

Well, have a good day.

I'm trying to identified some subject !

Posted: 22.08.2002, 22:22
by billybob884
You can add polls in your messages

Mike M. :mrgreen:

Posted: 23.08.2002, 07:49
by Guest
I would have liked well, but I did not find the function which allowed it :cry: . And my small project always holds me heart :wink:

Posted: 23.08.2002, 07:52
by Talion'h Kaärd
oupsss, it was me above :wink:
This is the traduction for french:

J'aurais bien aim?, mais je n'ai pas trouv? la fonction qui le permettait. Et mon petit projet me tient toujours ? coeur

Posted: 24.08.2002, 01:34
by Rassilon
I for one would like to see a complete manual on planet building in Celestia...I personally would not be the best person as Im not a astrophysics professor ;) but generally a good rule of thumb is to copy data that you currently have and simply modify the variables to do what you want them to...Thats how I learned...

All I use is notepad for the ssc...Having a decent painting program is also a good plan if your considering on building brand new planet textures...

One that works on most platforms is which I find to be one of the most valuable tools out there...

Posted: 24.08.2002, 01:52
by Azagoth
I, myself have a doctorate (PHd) in Astro-Physics from Oxford, Eng. Although I have to admit, computer coding seriously baffles me. For some reason I just can't get my head around it. The closest I get is adding new planets around stars that have none, I use really weird orbits just for fun.