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Posted: 13.02.2002, 06:45
by chris
Work on eclipses is coming along:


Penumbrae are still not done yet, but I'll be working on that tomorrow . . .



Posted: 13.02.2002, 08:47
by bruckner
Oh my, I'm impressed!

Keep up the good work!


Posted: 18.02.2002, 22:22
by chris
For more eclipse goodness, have a look at the screen shots on the Celestia home page of the 21 Jun 2001 total solar eclipse and a triple shadow transit on Jupiter. Penumbrae are working, though not in the the most elegant way . . . Notice how in the Jupiter image, the shadow of Callisto (on top) is fuzzier than the shadow of Io (on bottom) because the apparent size of Callisto is closer to the apparent size of the Sun when viewed from Jupiter.


Posted: 18.02.2002, 22:42
by shrox
Hey Chris,

The picture you posted spills over everthing under it, the same thing happened when someone else posted some pics. Is it a bug in my Netscape?

What Netscape version, OS?

Posted: 19.02.2002, 21:54
by bruckner
I would assume you are using Netscape 4.x, but... The HTML generated by phpBB is of rather high quality (it's actually XHTML, though I can't validate it right now: seems to be offline). Netscape 4.x had lots of issues with tables and its contents, and from a quick glance of the page code your problem might be just that...

My Mozilla (0.9.7+) doesn't show any problems. You might want to try it: go to and fetch the last one for your OS. If you need assistance, don't hesitate to contact me...

Best regards
