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Feature request: Reversed VT level switching

Posted: 29.02.2004, 15:24
by maxim
The current level switching algorithm for VTs keeps a certain level, until the resolution for the next one has been reached, and then switches to that one. This leads to repeated blur-unblurr views while zooming in.

Reversing this mechanism - keeping a certain level until it's original resolution is reached, and then switching to the next one, initially showing it smaller than original - would widely avoid that blurs and result in much smoother zooms.

maxim :)

Posted: 29.02.2004, 17:39
by Bob Hegwood

I don't know if it's of any help or not, but I set the TileSize value (in the CTX file) at 1/2 of the actual tile texture size. I did this at Selden's suggestion, and I have not noticed any of the blurring you mention.

Just a thought... :wink:

Take care, Bob

Posted: 29.02.2004, 20:48
by maxim

I haven't tried that yet. It could indeed work, thought that it's not very clean style.


If it is so simple, wouldn't it be cleaner then to divide the tile size setting by two inside the code (well documented of course) rather than in the ctx-definition?

maxim :)

Posted: 29.02.2004, 21:10
by chris
maxim wrote:BobIf it is so simple, wouldn't it be cleaner then to divide the tile size setting by two inside the code (well documented of course) rather than in the ctx-definition?

It really is that simple . . . In the code, the level of detail is rounded down rather than up, resulting in slightly blurrier but better performing virtual textures. Because rounding the LOD up would result in so many more texture tiles getting loaded, I'm reluctant to change it even though it's more correct. Perhaps there should be a config file setting for virtual texture detail? I'm going to optimize the way that virtual textures are handled in 1.3.3; I'll probably wait until then before I adjust anything.


Posted: 01.03.2004, 18:22
by maxim

it would be sufficient for me if I could set it in the config file. ( Did I ever mention that I LOVE config files ;) )

maxim :)