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Spelling change for Saturnian moons

Posted: 13.02.2004, 23:23
by granthutchison
The IAU Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature has altered the spelling of three of the recently named moons of Saturn.
They've adopted full Old Norse spellings for the satellites that were at first called Thrym, Skadi and Suttung: these are now Thrymr, Skathi and Suttungr. (See the official names list at the Gazetteer of Planetary Nomeclature for confirmation.)
Perfectionists will want to edit numberedmoons.ssc accordingly. :wink:


Re: Spelling change for Saturnian moons

Posted: 14.02.2004, 01:13
by Darkmiss
granthutchison wrote:Perfectionists will want to edit numberedmoons.ssc accordingly. :wink:


Yes thats me.... :D
Done, Thank you grant.