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Revised extrasolar.ssc

Posted: 11.02.2004, 18:55
by granthutchison
I've added the extrasolar planet HD 330075 b to extrasolar.ssc. Available on the CVS tree at


Posted: 12.02.2004, 23:53
Cheers, but can I be cheeky, and ask for just the .ssc code for HD 330075 b !?

Posted: 13.02.2004, 00:18
by granthutchison

Code: Select all

"b" "HD 330075"
   Texture "gasgiant.jpg"

   Mass    240     # M.sin(i) = 0.76 jupiters
   Radius  98000

   InfoURL ""

   EllipticalOrbit {
      Period          0.0092
      SemiMajorAxis   0.043
      Eccentricity    0.0
      ArgOfPericenter 90
      MeanAnomaly     46


Posted: 14.02.2004, 01:17
by Darkmiss
TERRIER wrote:Cheers, but can I be cheeky, and ask for just the .ssc code for HD 330075 b !?

Yeah I have edited mine and taken out all the extra gumph too.

Stream lined shall we say. :wink:

Posted: 14.02.2004, 01:35
by granthutchison
Extra gumph? Are you talking about the explanatory text? You've got textures and models adding up to hundreds of megabytes, and you're hand-editing to remove 1k of text?

<jaw drops>


Posted: 14.02.2004, 12:32
granthutchison wrote:Extra gumph? Are you talking about the explanatory text? You've got textures and models adding up to hundreds of megabytes, and you're hand-editing to remove 1k of text?

<jaw drops>


Nah, I've still got all of the extra gumph, it's just that I've got quite a few non-standard gas giant/ planet textures, and star wars models etc, 'floating' about in my extrasolar.ssc that I've never got round to moving into my extras directory. :lol:

Posted: 14.02.2004, 21:50
by Darkmiss
LOL :lol:

No just a lot of extra line breaks here and there and the odd explanation between the stars :lol:

So.... I like to house clean :lol: