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Is it possible to make this program your "desktop"???

Posted: 14.05.2002, 03:49
by datalink7
Hi all,

Just found this program. Has to be one of the COOLEST things I have seen ever. Love it.

Is it possible to program it to make it become your desktop? If you could, I would, like, have an orgasm or something.


Is it possible with later programming?

Celestia renders to desktop is possible

Posted: 14.05.2002, 13:37
by Guest
Hi guys,

under Linux this would mean to redirect the output to the window 'desktop'. That shouldn't be to hard, except for KDE V 2.x which is buggy in that regard. Already asked.
XEarth and Xplanet are doing right that, but much less frequently, of course. 8)

Under Win this is somewhat more tricky. A few programs are able to do that: (desktop render mode) (dito) ... rojectId=3 (The Playa)

All of these render to an off-screen surface, fill the desktop background with a solid color (e.g. pink) and then copy pixel per pixel from offscreen to onscreen buffer.
I have written to the author of the former two, Ryan Geiss of Winamp fame and he told me so. I haven't seen any OpenGL app which does this yet. :?

Any ideas? :idea:
CU, Axel

Posted: 19.05.2002, 22:25
by guest
Dunno about other platforms, but on the forthcoming Mac OS X update it'd be easily possible and fully hardware accelerated (with the desktop remaining a useful Finder view), provided Celestia could be packaged as a screen saver module.