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Add On Manager

Posted: 01.02.2004, 14:23
by Paolo
To Christophe, Don, Selden or anybody else that has informations.

I wonder if the add-on manager project is still in progress.
Sometime ago Christophe opened a related newsgroup,


but it is a long time that I can't access to it.

- Paolo

Posted: 01.02.2004, 15:55
by selden
I have no problems accessing the newsgroup at news://
but nothing has been discussed for a while.

I think the few people who were discussing the AddonManager have been working on other projects.

To summarize: Christophe came up with what seems a reasonable structure and demo for the database to be used on an Addon Web Server, along with an outline for the Manifext information that'll need to be included in each Addon so it can be logged correctly in the database.

Many things are still left to be decided or implemented, though. Anyone who's interested is welcome to read the newsgroup and make suggestions or contributions.

Posted: 01.02.2004, 16:33
by Christophe
Yes, development of the add-on repository has been somewhat 'put on hold', I've been busy with other things lately.

Anyway I do plan to spend some time working on it in the following weeks.

The news group is still available, and the 'mockup' is here.

Posted: 11.02.2004, 21:11
by Paolo
Hi all.

I'll be very straight and I'll go directly to the argument without preambles.

For the implementation of the add-on manager,
- the web space availability problem was analized?
- is defined a preliminary or preferential solution?
- how much does it will cost?
- who will pay these costs?

Thank you in advance. :D

- Paolo