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Missing nearby stars.

Posted: 26.04.2002, 09:36
by marc
Ive been looking for Wolf 359 which is about 7.8 ly from sol but I dont think its in the database.
OtherNames are GJ406.
Ive read that it is from the Yale database.

Other missing nearby stars

GJ905 Ross248
GJ65 LHS 10 (B) , Luyten 726-8

And there are more.

Any chance that these can be included in the database?

Posted: 03.09.2002, 20:29
by billybob884
If there near by stars you'd think they'd be there.

Mike M. :mrgreen:

Missing Stars

Posted: 03.09.2002, 20:55
by swfanatic_2000
I was also trying to find Wolf 359 once and couldn't. I figured it had a different name but if someone else can't find it... I have a National Geographic map that came out sometime in 1999 or 2000 of the Milky Way which has some more missing stars on it.

Posted: 03.09.2002, 21:08
by Rassilon
You can now add the stars in manually using the stc format...They are saved like an ssc file in the Extras directory...

Heres is sample code used in a stc file....

Code: Select all

# Sirius B
300001 {
        RA 101.2886
        Dec -16.71314306
        Distance 8.601223
        SpectralType "D"
        AppMag 15

You will however have to add the name in starnames.dat like so

300001:Sirius B

Posted: 04.09.2002, 01:39
by Paul
I want to point out yet again that Celestia only contains (by default) the stars that appeared in the Hipparcos database.

This did not include Wolf 359 and a large of other nearby stars because they were too faint.

Posted: 04.09.2002, 01:46
by billybob884
Then maybe its time to add another catalog...

Mike M. :mrgreen:

Missing Stars

Posted: 06.09.2002, 18:47
by mark02
Where do you find .stc files? Are they associated with one of Celestia's files itself?

Posted: 24.04.2003, 02:48
by MrBatman
I tried to do this on my own; I added a file named to the extras folder, with the following information in it:

# Wolf 359
300006 {
RA 10.941389
Dec +7.0019445
Distance 7.78
SpectralType "M6Ve"
AppMag 13.53

(I think those values are pretty close to right, anyway).

But for some reason it won't show up in Celestia when I run it. Can anyone help?

Posted: 24.04.2003, 04:07
by billybob884
did you edit the starnames.dat file (as mentioned above)?

Posted: 24.04.2003, 04:50
by Guest
Yes, I tacked "300006:Wolf 359" at the end of the file (no quotes)

Posted: 24.04.2003, 11:16
by selden
It's the "+" in front of the Declination value that's causing it to fail.
just get rid of that one character and all will be happy.

That really seems like a bug in Celestia to me.


Posted: 24.04.2003, 15:40
by MrBatman
That worked, thanks! :D

Posted: 25.04.2003, 18:59
by MrBatman
I erred in my calculations (thanks, seldon, for that explanation of RA in another thread). Check my math, but I think this should be the correct file info:

Code: Select all

# Wolf 359
300006  {
          RA 164.12083
          Dec 7.0019445
          Distance 7.78
          SpectralType "M6Ve"
          AppMag 13.53

The info I found for Wolf 359 is a RA of 10:56:29 and a Dec of +07:00.7 N. I originally calculated RA as degrees when it should have been calculated as hours. ( :arrow: n00b)

Posted: 25.04.2003, 19:44
by chris
Here's what I'd like to do:

- Make parser accept the + character should be accepted as a valid numeric character

- Create an .stc version of the Gliese catalog. It has quite a few stars that are missing from the HIPPARCOS catalog. There is some overlap, so we'd have to be careful not to duplicate any stars.

- Allow star names to be speficied in .stc files; requiring starnames.dat to be changed is ridiculous.


Posted: 25.04.2003, 19:52
by selden

That'd be great!

I've been wondering if a format like

Code: Select all

500000 { Name " list of colon separated names" }

might be not too outrageous.

As a user, I'd prefer

Code: Select all

500000 "list of colon separated names" { ... }
of course.