object:setatmosphere celx updated
Posted: 15.10.2023, 19:43
Original object:setatmosphere had 22 (!) parameters, today I updated it to have only one - a table. Example usage:
Have anybody ever used original method? I want to understand how it's safe to break API.
Code: Select all
-- This snippet assigns Titan's atmosphere to Earth
sel = celestia:find("Sol/Earth")
t = {}
t.height = 950
t.miescaleheight = 130
t.rayleigh = { 0.00125, 0.00176, 0.00274 }
t.absorption = { 0.0001, 0.0005, 0.001 }
t.mieasymmetry = 0
t.mie = 0
Have anybody ever used original method? I want to understand how it's safe to break API.