Celestia 1.7.0 windows installer

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Celestia 1.7.0 windows installer

Post #1by cartrite » 04.01.2022, 22:52

This is a 64bit application and will not run on 32 bit machines or operating system. This will install celestia-win and run it by default. Celestia-qt is also installed with the needed .dll's. The textures/hires folder is empty. These files are too big to include as an upload to this site. I tried this last week and I couldn't upload a full installer. To get hires files they will have to be installed manually.

Spice is probably not available. Both celestia-win and celestia-qt run without the cspice.dll. This installer was probably built without spice support. I have it turned on to builld spice and with linux it works but with windows it doesn't. I'm sure that spice was getting built with windows a few weeks ago but there have been so many changes since then and I can't figure why spice support doesn't work.

Maybe one of the forum administrators can make this thread a sticky so this installer can be easily found. Please report any problems in the Celestia 1.7.0 Development Thread. I will post updates to the installer here with notes about changes. That way this thread should stay small and there will only be one installer. That way I can just replace this one with a new one. This was built from commit 192359bf.
Last edited by cartrite on 07.01.2022, 17:38, edited 2 times in total.
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Post #2by cartrite » 06.01.2022, 00:17

I compressed the hires folder taken from the new content folder that was updated when I cloned the installers code. This can be copied into the empty textures/hires folder.

I didn't see any change to the hires folder.

Dated 02/03/2022.

The 64 bit Windows Celestia Installer.


The 32 bit Windows Celestia Installer.


The build is now cbdd9de6. Movie Capture will still have problems. The textures/hires folder will still be empty. All 4 programs started but I did no further checks. Enjoy. :smile: Note the file celestia-win.exe was named celestia.exe. To use file associations .cel and .celx with celestia-qt, the names will need to be changed. ie celestia.exe to celestia-win.exe and celestia-qt to celestia..exe.
Last edited by cartrite on 03.02.2022, 14:27, edited 9 times in total.
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Post #3by selden » 07.01.2022, 18:04

Suggestion: rename celestia-win.exe to be celestia.exe (and have the links use that name).

Background: I have multiple versions of Celestia installed. I have to disable the file associations in the installer and rename the executable myself so that the links work no matter which version of Celestia is running.

Added after 44 minutes 11 seconds:
I'm not sure where to report this. I suppose it might be a deficiency in qt's integration with Windows, or perhaps that its initialization isn't being called properly by Celestia 170.

File associations don't work with celestia-qt.

Testing procedure:

Install celestia 1.7.0
Install Celestia 1.6.1 (to guarantee that file associations are set to be sent to celestia.exe)

Rename celestia-qt.exe to be celestia.exe
Select (Double LMB click on) that copy of celestia
( the -qt version of Celestia runs and goes to Earth )
Select (Double LMB click on) a celx file
Celestia v1.6.1 is started and interprets the Celx script
It should not be. The Celx script should be interpreted by the running copy of Celestia (the -qt version).

This problem is NOT seen with celestia-win
Its file associations work fine after being renamed to be celestia.exe

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Post #4by cartrite » 07.01.2022, 19:04

The registry entries in the installer for file associations are connected to the the app celestia-win. celestia-win and celestia-qt are names produced by cmake. If you want me to associate with the name celestia.exe I can do that. I your files are associated to celestia.exe, you can try reinstalling and unclick the file associating on the fourth page that comes up. That should be an option. The you should be able to rename celestia-win.exe or celestia-qt.exe to celestia.exe. But that will only work if you already have celestia.exe associated with .cel and .celx in the registry.
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Post #5by selden » 07.01.2022, 19:23

Your suggestions are exactly what I did before posting my plaint. I had not yet read your post in the official development thread where you'd reported the file association problem for the qt version of Celestia.

Describing what I see in slightly different terms:

When I rename celestia-win.exe to be celestia.exe, files associated with celestia.exe work fine. They're interpreted by the currently running celestia.exe (i.e. by celestia-win).

However, when I rename celestia-qt.exe to be celestia.exe, files associated with celestia.exe do not work. Instead of being interpreted by the currently running copy of celestia.exe (i.e. by the qt version of Celestia), a new copy of Celestia v1.6.1 is run and interprets the file.

This failure includes cel:// URLs. :(

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Post #6by cartrite » 07.01.2022, 19:33

I'm at work right now. I'll try to see how my system reacts tonight. With the Linux version of celestia-qt, I was having problems but I'll need to refresh my memory as to what they were. I think I posted in Cellestia 1.7.0 Developers thread about the problems I am having with celestia-qt.

Added after 7 hours 36 minutes:
selden wrote:Your suggestions are exactly what I did before posting my plaint. I had not yet read your post in the official development thread where you'd reported the file association problem for the qt version of Celestia.

Describing what I see in slightly different terms:

When I rename celestia-win.exe to be celestia.exe, files associated with celestia.exe work fine. They're interpreted by the currently running celestia.exe (i.e. by celestia-win).

However, when I rename celestia-qt.exe to be celestia.exe, files associated with celestia.exe do not work. Instead of being interpreted by the currently running copy of celestia.exe (i.e. by the qt version of Celestia), a new copy of Celestia v1.6.1 is run and interprets the file.

This failure includes cel:// URLs. :(
I just checked this out. I renamed celestia-win to celestia. Then I renamed celestia-qt to celestia-win. I clicked on the demo.cel and it started the qt version and worked. But when I click on tour-system.celx, celestia-qt opens but does not play the script. Just goes to earth. It does work when I run the script from the File>Open >tour-system.celx. So this a bug in the code.

I tested it with installed and it does start 1.6 when I click on cel files and celx files. But then I uninstalled 1.7 and reinstalled. Then 1.7 starts. They have the same registry entries. I think I will have to edit the 1.7 .iss script to change registry keys. I used the script keys from 1.7 github/master/source code. It must have the same entries as 1.6.1. They overwrite each other.

I don't think I can do anything in the script that will fix 1.6.1 from starting when .cel or .celx files are clicked on if 1.6.1 is installed after 1.7.

I just installed 1.6 again after 1.7 and used the win version celestia-win.exe. still started when clicking on a .cel file not 1.7. So the last to get installed gets the file association priority. The installation process reassigns the file association.
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Post #7by selden » 09.01.2022, 06:00

Thanks for your work in investigating this. I don't think I'm experiencing exactly what you're describing, but I can't get too excited about it since it's working the way I want.

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Post #8by yashi » 25.01.2022, 10:45

cartrite wrote:The 64 bit Windows Celestia Installer.


Thank you for your work, cartrite. I just tried this on my Windows VM (QEMU) but it didn't work. I assume that the problem is on my side (without GPU for Windows VM).

I noticed that there is CMakeLists.txt in the "extra" dir. You might want to check which files are included.

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Post #9by cartrite » 02.02.2022, 23:43

I noticed there are a lot of cmakelist.txt files in a lot of the folders. The next time I update I'll clean them out. They get installed by cmake.

Added after 1 minute 30 seconds:
And I missed that. They shouldn't cause any harm though. They probably don't take up much space either.
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Post #10by cartrite » 03.02.2022, 14:18

The CmakeLists.txt files should be all gone now with these newest installers. I wasn't installing the content but copying it into the installation. I did a git pull on both Celestia and CelestiaContent today. My working copy of content has the CmakeList files removed.

I'll be uploadied the installers viewtopic.php?p=156142#p156142. The file associations .cel and .celx are connected to celestia.exe. I renamed celesti-win.exe to celestia.exe. The inno wizard will not compile unless one of the files are named celestia.exe. I'm pretty sure I did this with last one too.
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Post #11by john71 » 29.12.2022, 20:35

Dear Cartrite!

Sorry to disturb you, but if you are reading this, please confirm: are you or are you not a Windows developer here?

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Post #12by cartrite » 31.12.2022, 06:51

No I am not a developer. I can do some bug fixes and I build with Windows. But I'm not a developer.
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Post #13by john71 » 31.12.2022, 09:41

Thank you for your reply. Can you in some way help Selden to build Celestia Windows 1.7 from source?

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Post #14by cartrite » 31.12.2022, 12:07

Selden ?????? He has been here longer then I have. I can't see what help he would need from me. But yeah, if he thinks he needs my help, then yeah. But I haven't build Celestia on windows since February 2022. Probably a lot has changed since then. I haven't used windows on my computer since then so I would have to update my build system according to any changes that may have happened. I use linux. I built Celestia a few days ago with Suse 15.4 just after the upgrade from 15.3. No problems. I just use Windows at work now. To move freight around my country and problem solve the issues with doing that.
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Post #15by john71 » 31.12.2022, 12:37

cartrite wrote:But yeah, if he thinks he needs my help, then yeah.

Selden wrote on an another thread:

Can you join the development?

Maybe. It depends on how easy it is to build Celestia from scratch under Windows. Someone would have to provide step-by-step instructions to get me started.

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Post #16by Markerz » 31.12.2022, 12:58

a good next step would be to automate the process for generating the installer, so that every commit to the Celestia repo will create an updated setup.exe.

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Post #17by cartrite » 31.12.2022, 13:19

All the instructions are in ".appveyor.yml". The "." in front of the file name makes it a hidden file with linux. I can't remember if it does in windows. So you may have to turn on hidden files in windows. This is the file that lists the deps that are needed to compile Celestia.

Added after 2 minutes 22 seconds:
Markerz wrote:a good next step would be to automate the process for generating the installer, so that every commit to the Celestia repo will create an updated setup.exe.
I thought this already being done. That's why I got busy doing other things.
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Post #18by Markerz » 31.12.2022, 13:32

cartrite wrote:I thought this already being done. That's why I got busy doing other things.
iirc only GitHub action is used for continuous integration now, which only generates necessary .exe and .dll s, not the installer

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Post #19by cartrite » 31.12.2022, 13:50

I read about this in the forum, I looked thru git hub, I don't completely understand but I always built my own and since I haven't done it for a while, I'm not sure what's going on.. But I automated my build system to be done with a few clicks as of last February. Not sure if that will still work today. From what I learned in the past is that with the Inno installer program is that one needs a complete copy of what you want to install including the registry settings to get it to work. I got no idea of how it could be done another way.
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Post #20by Markerz » 31.12.2022, 15:56

Github actions has inno setup preinstalled in the runner images: https://github.com/actions/runner-images/blob/main/images/win/Windows2022-Readme.md so probably we just need to pass the .iss file to inno via command line and it should generate an installer.

registry changes should have been specified in the inno iss file already

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