Does anyone besides me use the movie record function?
Posted: 20.03.2019, 18:20
In the past I have used a highly modified version of celestia to record things like my solar system tour.
To accomplish it, I used brute force tweaks, which were inefficient and ugly.
The problem in celestia is that scripts {celx} have a clock unrelated to the simulation clock.
This meant that while you could record your own movements easily.
Trying to record a script which you just watched work perfectly, would fail because they would come out of sync.
Which has prevented prerecording of presentations using celestia.
I found this because while system could handle 200+ fps, I was recording at ~30fps.
Because of the way celestia works, it was trying to record at 200+ fps, with the simulation clock advancing a frame slice.
Or to put it simply, the simulation was advancing its clock 1/30s @ 200+ times per second.
I got around it via brute force, it had no elegance.
I was able to come up with a new way to keep realtime sync.
While it is not as nice as having the scripts use the simulation clock, something I am still working on.
What it does is only record at the capture rate, regardless of the display rate. {Celestia calls the frame capture each tick.}
Therefore, a ten minute script, will require ten minutes to record.
Recording at greater or lesser than realtime will require celx to use the simulation clock.
This tweak requires you to respect nyquist though.
Which means if you want a stutter free recording, your system must support a minimum of 2*fps you want to record at.
My project {Solar system tour DVD}, which I recorded at ~30fps, requires 60fps{Toggled visibility in the lower left when you press the tilde '~' key.}
Any lower than that and you risk frame drops.
If anyone uses this, let me know how it works for you.
P.S. also includes all of my other recently posted tweaks such as betwixt, betwixdex & benear.
To accomplish it, I used brute force tweaks, which were inefficient and ugly.
The problem in celestia is that scripts {celx} have a clock unrelated to the simulation clock.
This meant that while you could record your own movements easily.
Trying to record a script which you just watched work perfectly, would fail because they would come out of sync.
Which has prevented prerecording of presentations using celestia.
I found this because while system could handle 200+ fps, I was recording at ~30fps.
Because of the way celestia works, it was trying to record at 200+ fps, with the simulation clock advancing a frame slice.
Or to put it simply, the simulation was advancing its clock 1/30s @ 200+ times per second.
I got around it via brute force, it had no elegance.
I was able to come up with a new way to keep realtime sync.
While it is not as nice as having the scripts use the simulation clock, something I am still working on.
What it does is only record at the capture rate, regardless of the display rate. {Celestia calls the frame capture each tick.}
Therefore, a ten minute script, will require ten minutes to record.
Recording at greater or lesser than realtime will require celx to use the simulation clock.
This tweak requires you to respect nyquist though.
Which means if you want a stutter free recording, your system must support a minimum of 2*fps you want to record at.
My project {Solar system tour DVD}, which I recorded at ~30fps, requires 60fps{Toggled visibility in the lower left when you press the tilde '~' key.}
Any lower than that and you risk frame drops.
If anyone uses this, let me know how it works for you.
P.S. also includes all of my other recently posted tweaks such as betwixt, betwixdex & benear.