In the data folder you will find a file labeled 'extrasolar.ssc'...Open this with Notepad or some other text editor. Notice the code you see?
Heres a sample of mine:
Code: Select all
"Jax" "Alcyone"
Mesh "jax.3ds"
Texture "jax.jpg"
Radius 4334
Period 12000.8631
SemiMajorAxis 68000.0
Eccentricity 0.23919
Inclination 30.3244
AscendingNode 75.4248
RotationPeriod 6400 #
Albedo 0.12
The different variables listed here will affect the look and actions of your planet.
From top to bottom..
the first string "x" is the planets name.
the second string is the star system it is in.
ok, inside the brackets the first line is Mesh...this is used ONLY if you want to replace the 'sphere' default with a MAX or other supported model with the default.
Texture is the JPG or PNG file used for the planet's surface.
Radius is measured in Km
Now in the Eliptical Orbit elements, you see variables used to judge revolution, distance, orbit inclination and the others I cannot remember off hand...
RotationPeriod is measured in hours
Albedo is illumination...This also will affect temprature.
Now inbetween Radius and Elliptical Orbit is a section like so...
Code: Select all
HazeColor [ 1 0 0 ]
HazeDensity 0.8
Atmosphere {
Height 250
Lower [ 1 0.5 0 ]
Upper [ 0.0 0.8 0.0 ]
Sky [ 1 0.5 0.2 ]
CloudHeight 55
CloudSpeed 189900
CloudMap "kur-clouds.png"
Haze is haze...color feature is an RGB floating point value between 0.0 and 1.0 where 0.0 is no color.
the atmosphere element is comprised of the following...
Height is in Km
Lower, Upper and Sky all use RGB like Haze
CloudHeight is in Km
CloudSpeed I believe is in Kph?
CloudMap is the PNG or JPG file to use transparent mask when texing these...I usually modify the existing ones.
And there you go...Its really not that hard to figure out. I just play around with the elements and see what I come up with..hehe its almost like playing god sometimes...