A wish list
Posted: 02.12.2017, 12:49
Here are some features that I, as an Addon author, would like to be able to use.
1. "Include" statements in catalog files (.ssc, .stc and dsc)
for example,
Some of my .SSC files for Celestia v1.6.1 have become particularly unwieldy. It'd be nice to be able to break them up into pieces which load in a well-defined order. Although the Windows version of Celestia normally loads files in alphabetical order, this is not the case for Linux, where files usually seem to be loaded in order of increasing inode value, which can be different for different file systems. The current workaround for this random sequence of loading is to include all of the SSC declarations for a particular Addon in a single file.
2. Right-Mouse-Button menu items for Stars which are the same as those available for SSC objects, including the various "Reference Marks" and, eventually, "Alternate Surfaces". (The latter would probably require far more coding than showing Reference Marks would.)
1. "Include" statements in catalog files (.ssc, .stc and dsc)
for example,
Code: Select all
Include "planets.inc"
Include "stargen/newsystem/moons.inc"
Some of my .SSC files for Celestia v1.6.1 have become particularly unwieldy. It'd be nice to be able to break them up into pieces which load in a well-defined order. Although the Windows version of Celestia normally loads files in alphabetical order, this is not the case for Linux, where files usually seem to be loaded in order of increasing inode value, which can be different for different file systems. The current workaround for this random sequence of loading is to include all of the SSC declarations for a particular Addon in a single file.
2. Right-Mouse-Button menu items for Stars which are the same as those available for SSC objects, including the various "Reference Marks" and, eventually, "Alternate Surfaces". (The latter would probably require far more coding than showing Reference Marks would.)