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Is there a step-by-step guide to compiling Celestia?

Posted: 07.02.2003, 14:36
by Falck
I've toiled with getting it to work under windows xp using VC++ 6, but havent had any luck yet. I've compiled the png, jpg, and zlib libraries, and downloaded the missing files from the CVS (windirectory.cpp and ODmenu.cpp) - that doesnt seem to be where my problems are. I get numerous errors on linking when I try to build from the VC++ IDE. When using makedebug.bat I get a fatal error U1077.

Posted: 07.02.2003, 23:52
by Paolo
I' ve got a lot of problems and still have some but now compiles.
I did all of this about one month ago, before all the new changes to CVS files. So I' don't know if should be very useful.

First of all I get and installed winCVS and Python 2.2.

Then I get the whole CVS files from SourceForge.NET following the login instructions in that site:

I've copied the whole stuff in another working directory on my PC.

I get the pnglib jpglib and zlib from Celestia site: ...
Then I've placed the "lib" and "inc" folders in zip file at the same level of the "src" folder.

I've opened the dsw file in MS VC++ 6.0 an then I've modified manually all the project settings for search paths in all sub projects. Moreove you have to uncheck all the "Ignore standard include paths flag".

I set also the Browse info generation. The generated info are very useful to understand and navigate the code.

Some resources for icon images in menus was missing in CVS. I've solved creating my own files with the appropriate names.

Till now if I don't set the warning level to "none" I'm not able to build the debug version because happens a warning overflow number.

If I switch to release version it compiles and link also with warning level to 3 because the pragma warning directives seems to work correctly.

I hope that these info are useful. Probably someone would integrate and correct these advices.


Posted: 08.02.2003, 03:56
by DrTypo
I compile Celestia using makerelease.bat.
Be sure to place the libraries in a place where the compiler can find them. If you're lazy (like me), put the libs with the other standard libs (the path may be something like C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Lib).

Check the names of the libs:

Do the same manipulation for the includes files of the libs (there are quite a few of them).

Check that you've also the following sourcefiles (in /src/celestia):

Posted: 08.02.2003, 23:52
by Paolo
I've updated the dsw files for the current files in CVS.

To make it compile and link you must add in DSW the most recent files
like marker.cpp and deepskyobj.cpp. Follow the linker errors.

Furthermore you must to create two new menu IDS in resources for the missing marker id's.

All the previous features work well. I've tried the new ones but I think it is a too much early stage of development.
