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Scripting: render tekst in windows corners
Posted: 28.10.2009, 19:23
by Marco Klunder
Like pressing the [v] key on the keyboard, during online usage of Celestia, it should be nice if a scripting render option could be developed to turn on/off or expand the text in the winows corners within a script. Like setting this option, there's also the need to get this option of course, for instance for usage in the function celestia_cleanup_callback().
Re: Scripting: render tekst in windows corners
Posted: 29.10.2009, 09:04
by Vincent
celestia:setoverlayelements celx command lets you turn on/off each element of the overlay text separately.
As an example, to turn off the whole overlay text, just use :
Code: Select all
celestia:setoverlayelements{Time = false, Velocity = false, Selection = false, Frame = false}
There's no scripting command to set the HUD verbosity, yet.
Re: Scripting: render tekst in windows corners
Posted: 30.10.2009, 08:17
by Marco Klunder
Hi Vincent,
Thx for this update. Reading the wiki books on this celestia method, I never understood the meaning of it, but with this explenation I do now and will certainly going to use it now and include it in my celestia_cleanup_callback() definitions.
Probably it also helps to put part of my question AND your explanation in this post as an additional comment in the wiki books, to explain the celestia:setoverlayelements() method a bit further.
I hereby also offer to do that myself, by the way ...
Thx again for the explenation,
Re: Scripting: render tekst in windows corners
Posted: 30.10.2009, 16:07
by Marco Klunder
I aready saw the update in the wiki books.
Thx, post closed.