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Venus without clouds: Magellan info?

Posted: 29.11.2002, 20:54
by Zimriel
I just DL'ed Celestia and it ROCKS! Congratulations.

We know what Venus looks like as of 1991, and we have some fuzzy idea about Titan too. Are there any plans to put Venus and Titan under the clouds/no-clouds option like Earth?


Venus without clouds: Magellan info

Posted: 29.11.2002, 21:21
by Zimriel
Until it's in a mainstream release, here's how I did it on my PC:

1. edit solarsys.ssc:

"Venus" "Sol"
Texture "venus.jpg"
# BumpMap "venusbump.jpg"
HazeColor [ 0.5 0.35 0.2 ]
HazeDensity 0.35
Radius 6052

Atmosphere {
Height 60
Lower [ 0.8 0.8 0.5 ]
Upper [ 0.6 0.6 0.6 ]
Sky [ 0.8 0.8 0.5 ]
CloudHeight 7
CloudSpeed 65
CloudMap "venus-clouds.jpg"

2. Rename venus.jpg -> venus-clouds.jpg in every subdirectory in /textures.

3. Download the map from into /textures/medres.

4. Rename the map to venus.jpg.

If you want a low-resolution version: make a copy of this venus.jpg and place it in /textures/lores. Shrink it so it is 512x256.

I'm still a newbie, so this doubtless has all sorts of problems with it; for instance, I was just too lazy to look up wind-speed etc. But this forum's got tons of people in it who are smarter and more imaginative than I am :o

Venus cloud speed

Posted: 17.12.2002, 20:00
by JackHiggins
According to ... 37218.html, Venus' clouds move westwards at about 230miles/hour (~370km/h), so i guess it's just "Cloudspeed 370"...?!

Hope this helps!!!

Posted: 17.12.2002, 23:08
by Sum0
Actually, Cloudspeed is, for some strange reason, measured in how many degrees they rotate around the planet each (Earth?) day. I think for Venus a good approximation of speed is 90.

Venus -with and without clouds-

Posted: 21.12.2002, 00:54
by John Van Vliet
Hi this is what i use [/img][img]

and the ssc[/img]

Venus -with and without clouds-

Posted: 21.12.2002, 00:58
by John Van Vliet
Hi this is what i use

and the ssc [url][url]


Posted: 24.12.2002, 03:46
by John Van Vliet
this link might work ,just unzip the folderd and instal normaly

Posted: 24.12.2002, 19:52
by granthutchison
My latest modified version of solarsys.ssc and accompanying textures, downloadable here
includes a Venus surface map and cloud map, set up pretty much as Zimriel did. My cloud height is set to 50km, the level of the densest layer in Venus's clouds, and the cloud speed to 90 degrees, giving one rotation of the cloud layer every four days.
