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Posted: 09.12.2008, 04:31
by PenDrago42
I think it's a great feature to have the Constellations labeled with their Proper Name, but I find it difficult explaining to young children and/or keeping their interest.

I would like to Verbose the Constellation Labels.
Please consider adding similar information below.
Also, are there any GNU image overlays for the constellation symbols? (e.g.

Proper Name: Ursa Major
Colloquially Known As: Big Dipper
Symbolism: The Great Bear

Proper Name: Ursa Minor
Colloquially Known As: Little Dipper
Symbolism: The Little Bear

Re: Constellations

Posted: 09.12.2008, 05:43
by MKruer ... _stars.php
Look for "Johann Hevelius' Uranographia (1690) images,translated into Celestia" by Jestr