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Minor moons of Saturn

Posted: 14.11.2002, 21:26
by Phule
I recently noticed that 9 of Saturn's moons are missing. I noticed it when I was looking for the eclipse over the rings(which I didn't see) from a moon. I was wondering, is it possible for someone to post the .ssc? I would try to do it my self, but I haven't a clue as to go about doing it

P.S. Yes it is lonely on the boards.. I will no longer troll about :)

Posted: 14.11.2002, 21:58
by selden

Have you installed minormoons.ssc?

It's available on the Celestia Web site at
and probably on Brukner's Site, too.

It includes Pan, the moon in Enke's Division, for example.

Posted: 15.11.2002, 00:35
by Ortolan
All the moons for the gas giants are in my ssc files:

Posted: 15.11.2002, 07:03
by Guest
Ortolon, may i suggest you include your scc files in a seperate .txt file that can be downloaded. For some reason, i get a lot of errors when trying to change the format from my browser to a text program.

Posted: 15.11.2002, 23:41
by Ortolan
Right-click on the file you want and use 'save target as' to save it to your celestia extras directory. :D