SVN 4357 unresolved external?
Posted: 31.05.2008, 23:20
Hi, guys,
Today I updated to svn 4357 and got an error while linking under VC++ 2005. I rolled back to svn 4054 (previous in the trunk) and it compiles OK. The first error mesages follow. There seeems to be a call to a SkyGrid that canoot be resolved. SkyGrid() is defined in skygrid.h, which indeed is in the tree. But I'm a complete amateur in C++ so I can't find the problem. Could this be connected ti the new grids that Chris was implementing? I didn't use his patched render.h and .cpp, just the trunk svn. (I DID download them and replaced the trunk versions, but also wouldn't link).
If anybody sees what's happening, please let me know. Thanks. thnaks.
Error messages:
Today I updated to svn 4357 and got an error while linking under VC++ 2005. I rolled back to svn 4054 (previous in the trunk) and it compiles OK. The first error mesages follow. There seeems to be a call to a SkyGrid that canoot be resolved. SkyGrid() is defined in skygrid.h, which indeed is in the tree. But I'm a complete amateur in C++ so I can't find the problem. Could this be connected ti the new grids that Chris was implementing? I didn't use his patched render.h and .cpp, just the trunk svn. (I DID download them and replaced the trunk versions, but also wouldn't link).
If anybody sees what's happening, please let me know. Thanks. thnaks.
Error messages:
Code: Select all
1>render.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall SkyGrid::~SkyGrid(void)" (??1SkyGrid@@QAE@XZ) referenced in function "private: void __thiscall Renderer::renderSkyGrids(class Observer const &)" (?renderSkyGrids@Renderer@@AAEXABVObserver@@@Z)
1>render.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall SkyGrid::render(class Renderer &,class Observer const &,int,int)" (?render@SkyGrid@@QAEXAAVRenderer@@ABVObserver@@HH@Z) referenced in function "private: void __thiscall Renderer::renderSkyGrids(class Observer const &)" (?renderSkyGrids@Renderer@@AAEXABVObserver@@@Z)
1>render.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall SkyGrid::SkyGrid(void)" (??0SkyGrid@@QAE@XZ) referenced in function "private: void __thiscall Renderer::renderSkyGrids(class Observer const &)" (?renderSkyGrids@Renderer@@AAEXABVObserver@@@Z)