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Surface localisation name in italic?

Posted: 21.01.2008, 15:36
by Imy

What about an italic font to show surface localisation names when you press Enter? It would distinguish localisation names from space object names...

Re: Surface localisation name in italic?

Posted: 21.01.2008, 18:02
by chris
Imy wrote:Hello,

What about an italic font to show surface localisation names when you press Enter? It would distinguish localisation names from space object names...

That seems like a good idea to me, too.


Posted: 21.01.2008, 18:51
by BobHegwood
I like it... :wink:

Posted: 21.01.2008, 19:09
by duds26
Is this goanna be in 1.5.0Final?

Posted: 21.01.2008, 19:30
by chris
duds26 wrote:Is this goanna be in 1.5.0Final?



Posted: 22.01.2008, 10:33
by Imy
BobHegwood wrote:I like it... :wink:

Subtle! :D

Posted: 31.01.2008, 10:25
by Imy
I was thinking about that and i found another way. I don't know if it is better than italic names but this could allow to keep italic font for an another group of names that could appear in the Enter box. For surface localization names, instead of an italic font, why not an asterisk? For instance : *North america. Asterisk would be only a view symbol to distinguish this name as a localization name and not as a real spatial target ; asterisk would have no consequences on alphabetic order.

Re: Surface localisation name in italic?

Posted: 08.06.2009, 07:32
by Imy
Wouldn't italic text (for surface localisation) be welcomed for 1.6 version?

Re: Surface localisation name in italic?

Posted: 08.06.2009, 18:12
by duds26
It would be more flexible to play with the colours of the text and have a text background with a choosable color and transparency.

Re: Surface localisation name in italic?

Posted: 09.06.2009, 07:31
by Imy
I'm not sure of that. In the command line (when you presse enter), colored text backgrounds would not be a discreet graphical solution.