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PSR1257+12 and e Carinae: a question for Chris and Rassilon

Posted: 14.10.2002, 18:45
by brunetto_64
A question for Chris and Rassillon.

Hi at all!!! (on italian: "un saluto a tutti!!!)
I have loaded psr1257+12 in my directory Celestia, with the executable 1.2.5 -3.
Veeeeeeeery beeeeest, Rasillonā€¦ (aspect with anxiety the file of age carinaeā€¦ and already the image is wonderful!!!..)
I also have the file

# PSR 1257+12
300002 {
RA 13.0027
Dec 12.6667
Distance 2630
SpectralType "Q"
AppMag 18

Do I now wonder me: considered that a pulsar quickly rotates on herself, as I can modify the file .stc in such way to be seen to turn it?


Posted: 15.10.2002, 16:55
by Rassilon
The stc itself cannot be modified to reflect a higher rotation...

btw grab the update located below in my signature...The Right Ascention is in degrees instead of hours...

Now when you bring this up a question comes to mind for anyone in general...Pulsars appear to flash or pulse correct? Or is the dimmer/brighter method solely reliant upon the jets? Do the jets rotate to face us at some point?

la STC in se non pu? essere modificato per riflettere un'pi? alta rotazione...

a proposito l'aggiornamento situato sotto nella mia firma... il Ascention di destra ? nei gradi anzich? le ore... Ora in cui portate questo su una domanda viene alla mente per chiunque in generale... pulsars sembra esporre a flash o pulsare corretto? O ? il metodo di dimmer/brighter solamente fiducioso sui getti? I getti ruotano per affrontarli ad un certo punto?

Posted: 15.10.2002, 18:11
by selden
Yes, the visible (and radio and xray) pulses are due to the radiation coming from the jets as they rotate through our field of view.

NASA has a cute tutorial at ... pulsar.htm